Safety Climate

Social and Psychological Safety

Social safety is fundamental for everyone working at, studying at, or visiting UT. Respect, integrity, honesty, and consideration for others are expected on our campus and within our organisation.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)

The University of Twente aims to foster a diverse, open-minded and inspiring community, by building a strong inclusive culture at our university. We want to create common ground and shared responsibility.

To properly represent the various UT perspectives, the DE&I Advisory Board strives for members from all faculties and service departments. The board is led by a duo of chairpersons selected by the members of the DE&I Advisory Board.

Knowledge safety

As UT community, we have to make sure that we reduce or mitigate knowledge safety risks in order to keep our knowledge safe. Knowledge safety refers to a set of measures that we as UT community can take to ensure that we can cooperate with partners all over the world. These measures not only have an impact on education, research, and knowledge transfer, but also on international recruitment, the use of research infrastructure and also on IT services, such as access to accounts, ITC infrastructure, or the use of safety protocols.

Cybersafety & privacy are important topics at the university. They ensure that students and staff can work safely online, they help to keep research information secret and keep personal data protected. 

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