UT governance & organisation

Planning & control cycle (PDCA)

If you follow the link below you can find an overview of the planning and control cycle within UT. This cycle is our framework for steering, monitoring, and evaluating UT policy and serves as the basis of governance within the university. On the website of Finace more in-depth information can be found.

This cycle consists of:

  • Annual report
  • Strategy Day senior management
  • Management report (marap)
  • Shaping dialogue
  • Spring memorandum
  • Budget
  • Annual plan

Organisation structure

The whole structure of our organisation can be somewhat overwhelming. Fortunately, we have tried to flatten it out as much as possible, explain it and provide an overview 

  • Way of Working UT
    To help you understand our joint strategy, agreements and working methods, we have collected the following information for you to get acquainted with our way of working at UT.

  • Executive Board
    Information about the EB, decisions, meeting schedules, advice fora etc. 

Participation Bodies 

Different levels within the UT have their own form of representation. From the democratically elected organisational wide – and best known - University Council to the Programme Committees of which each study have their own representatives.  In every one of these bodies, you could have a different area of influence.

To understand the UT decision-making it is crucial to understand the structure of the participation bodies. Take a look at the dedicated websites to get a more elaborate explanation.

The Regulations also can be helpful to understand the full proces. 

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