Well-being for employees


looking for ways to improve your mental and PHYSICAL WELL-BEING at ut? on this page you find everything related to employee well-being

In addition to the information on this page, stay tuned to the Service portal news page for up-to-date offers focused on well-being. To make sure that you do not miss any news and events on this topic, subscribe to the subject 'Health & Well-being' in your Service Portal settings.  

Are you a student?

On utwente.nl/student-wellbeing we give you some practical tips and advice and offer help when you are feeling down and stressed.

Well-being support at UT

Maintaining a healthy work/life balance is important for your mental and physical well-being. At UT, we offer various ways to support your well-being. This ranges from providing instructions on how to set up your healthy (home) workplace, to support in combining work with informal caregiving, a financial helpdesk and tools for capacity planning. 

Sometimes, personal circumstances may lead you to seek additional information or specific support to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

  • Combining work and informal caregiving

    Are you providing long-term and unpaid care for a chronically ill, disabled, or needy person within your environment? This can be a family member, but it does not have to be. Becoming a informal caregiver is usually not a choice and can happen to anyone, at any age. Sometimes the caring responsibilities are difficult to combine with a job. Then overload or failure is lurking.

    UT wants to prevent this by paying attention to employees with informal care tasks, being flexible and offering tailor-made solutions, so that the work/life balance is not disturbed or disturbed as little as possible. 

    • Talk about being an informal caregiver

      Are you an informal caregiver and do you notice that your work/life balance is disturbed? Don’t keep struggling, but start a conversation with your manager and try to come to a solution together. Often there are more possibilities that you might think at first.

    • What arrangements are there at UT for informal caregivers?

      Within UT there are various arrangements that you can make use of:

      • Emergency leave in acute situations (ranging from a few hours to a few days) at full pay.
      • Short-term care leave: a maximum of 2 times the working hours per week per 12 months at 70% of the salary.
      • Long-term care leave: maximum of 6 times the working hours per week per 12 months. In principle without pay, unless otherwise agreed.
    • Tailor-made Solutions

      Sometimes the above-mentioned arrangements, that are already in place, are not enough and a tailor-made solution can be helpful. For example:

      • Flexible working (other days/times, from home, etc.)
      • Other long-term leave. Takes effect after a written agreement on duration, remuneration, payment of pension contributions (in case of decreased salary) and taking compensation and leave hours.
      • Temporary other work.
      • Temporary reduction in working hours.

      Do you want to suggest a different solution? Discuss this with your manager or HR advisor.

    • Useful Websites
    • Tools
      Conversation Tool Informal Care

      Use this inforgraphic to discuss informal care with your colleague

      • Informal Care? Talk about it!ENNL

    Do you have a question about informal caregiving and working at UT? You can always reach out to: wellbeing-hr@utwente.nl 

  • Anonymous financial helpdesk

    There is an external Helpdesk available for you that you can call anonymously with financial questions or concerns. For this, UT has a partnership with DiFfit. DiFfit helps with a listening ear, advice and useful tips.

  • Neurodiversity and Work

    In embracing physical diversity, we also recognize neurodiversity as the variations in cognitive and emotional processes among individuals. This encompasses people with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other neurodiverse traits.

    Neurodiversity brings forth a valuable array of perspectives and talents. It serves as a source of creativity, innovation, and unique processes of thought within teams and the broader organisation. However, neurodiversity can, for instance, lead to tensions or feelings of misunderstanding, potentially causing challenges for employees or teams.

    If you have questions about neurodiversity and work or if you are seeking support for yourself, your team, or other colleagues, please reach out to your HR advisor

Capacity Management

It is extremely important for both your mental and physical health to manage your workload. Avoid stress symptoms and improve your work/life balance by keeping track of capacity management. Do you work more hours than is required regularly? Do you spend too much time attending meetings and doing administrative work? Which leads to having too little time for research, personal contacts, and development? It can be difficult to start a conversation with your manager about this issue. To address such situations, a tool has been developed to help you gain insight into your tasks and the time that you have.

  • More insight with this tool

    More insight with this tool

    A study into employee well-being shows that 50% of employees structurally work overtime. This study also shows that many UT employees are not satisfied with the current discussion* on the topic of workload. It is time to make a change. Employee well-being is important to UT, so we are committed to making workload something that can be discussed and managed.

    This is why HR, along with researchers, lecturers, and support staff, is developing a tool that will make tasks  and time distribution transparent – and therefore something that can be discussed easily. The tool contains information that has already been filled in, in order to make things as easy as possible for you. You will see instantly in which quarter your workload is high and which activities cause this. The information that has been filled in automatically can be adjusted manually, thus producing a realistic picture of your workload, both for your current situation and for the next four quarters.

  • Discussing your workload

    Of course, the tool does not automatically lead to a reduction of your workload. The insights that you gain with it can offer the starting point to initiate a conversation about the topic with your manager. The insights, facts and prediction of future workload facilitate looking at the situation objectively and  finding a solution together.

    • Employee time planning dashboard

Well-being Action Plan 2023-2025

This well-being action plan focuses on where we are now, and at what steps we will take in the period 2023-2025 in relation to our wellbeing. We are committed to the well-being of all our people, and invest at the level of the individual, the team and the organisation.

UT employee well-being study

As the current circumstances are unique and we cannot yet predict how things will be in a year, every year all employees are invited to participate in the Well-being Survey.  UT wants to know how employees perceive their well-being. To be able to act in a timely and data-driven manner, we want to have continuous, up-to-date, specific, and reliable insight into topics related to the well-being of employees. The results of this research will inform local well-being action plans and the themes of the upcoming Well-being Weeks. We also invite all teams to work with the results themselves. Faculties and Service Departments will receive feedback with unit-specific results.

The most recent Well-being Report can be found here: 

Previous reports are available below. 

Well-being and safety contacts

Related links

Tools for team-leaders

All information on this page is relevant, regardless of your function.But as managers you also have a signaling and helping role towards your team. That is why there is tooling that is specifically aimed at managers.

In case you are looking for a training, course or team-development related to well-being, you can find it under Development Offers on this page. To support your team members (and yourself) you can make use of the sports and cultural offer, the relevant information about setting up the (home) workplace, and make sure you know where to find the suitable contact persons (including the integrity support structure). It is important to know what trends and signals there are in your unit from the well-being research. Below you will find a checklist to recognize symptoms and more. 

Under 'related links' at the bottom of this page you will find other health & safety topics.
Tools and information exclusively aimed at team leaders and managerial functions, including topics outside well-being, can be found on the 'for managers' portal page. An example of a page that can be found here is manager-specific information related to absence and absence prevention. 


Please contact HR Services for any further questions. Tel 053 489 8011.

For ideas, comments or changes to this page, please email webteam-hr@utwente.nl

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