Hot vending machines screens

At our university, we have three types of vending machines which have screens that you can use for internal UT-wide corporate communication for students and employees.

These screens are, compared to the narrowcasting screens in the buildings, for internal UT-wide content only.

Target audience

UT community: students and employees.

Target goal

We use the content on the screens for community-building purposes.


The following content may be placed on these screens:

  • Internal information for our community that’s in line with our Shaping2030 organisation Strategy, e.g. Sustainability, Diversion and Inclusion, Cybersecurity, Crisis communication, Well-being, and Digitalisation.
  • Promotion of our external strategic subjects. For example, Robotics, Medtech, Digitalisation: cyber security and Artificial Intelligence, Energy and Sustainability, Student teams and other student initiatives.
  • Promotion of UT-wide/corporate events, such as New Year's gathering, Dies, Week of Inspiration, Open House, etc.
  • No vacancies and adds of external companies.


  • Slide texts should be in British English;
  • The slides will be shown for a short amount of time. Keep this in mind for the amount of text and readability.
  • All slides should have a call to action.
  • Slides will be shown no longer than three weeks.
  • Please submit slides as .png format and in the following resolutions;
    • 1310*660
    • 1366*768
    • 800*480
    • 760*380


MC manages these screens and reserves the right not to post content and also to prioritise messages. For requests please send an email with your content to

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