Study Adviser

University students are expected to be able to act independently and take care of most practical matters on their own. But when you’re only just starting your master, many things are probably new to you and sometimes you need some help.

You could also run into problems later on and you may find yourself wanting to talk to your study adviser. For instance when you have questions about your study programme, about studying, or about private matters that may be affecting your studies, such as:

Your study adviser can also advise you on persons or organizations within or outside the university that may be able to help you.

Study Adviser Master ME / CEM / CME / SET / IDE
Monique Duyvestijn

Adviser for: Master students ME / CEM / CME / SET / IDE
Working from home
Use the planner to make an appointment.
You will be invited for a teamsmeeting at your studentmail.  

Contact details

You can make an appointment with your study adviser via If you think you need more than 30 minutes to discuss your situation you should plan two consecutive appointments.

If you have short questions, it is possible to send the study adviser an email.


The study adviser will make notes during the meeting with you and enter these in Osiris. You are able to see these notes yourself. The notes are shared with other study advisers of the faculty Engineering Technology to help you at any moment unless you ask to label the note as strictly confidential. Notes are never shared with someone outside our faculty unless you have given permission to do so.

If you are making a formal request with the Examination Board, the study adviser will be asked for her advice. She will only share information which you have agreed upon.

The study adviser may be asked for advice if you have made a request with the Committee Personal Circumstances. She will only share information which you have agreed to.

As a member of the National Association of Study Advisers (LVSA) the study adviser will adhere to their code of conduct.

Study Counceling

More information regarding study counselling. If you have any questions, need help, are looking for study tips, please browse through these pages