UTStudium GeneraleProgramme / ScheduleUnder pressure : the work load of PhD's

Under pressure : the work load of PhD's

Doing a PhD isn’t an easy job. The expectations are sky high: you need to do research, teach, publish in journals and in some cases get used to the Dutch habits. When you’ve defended your thesis, your job future is far from certain. During this discussion everybody can share their experiences. We have invited Tom Veldkamp (Rector Magnificus) and Hans Oeloff (director HR) to listen to your stories. Other guests include Clément Lezane (PhD candidate), Arjenne Louter (PhD trainer), Marieke Huisman (PhD supervisor), Minke Klomp (Manager Twente Graduate School). In cooperation with U-Today and P-NUT. Free drinks afterwards!

We are very curious whether you can come, so please register (for free) via this link.


A. Heukels (Anneke)
Supporting staff