UTSportsContact and organisationNewsNew access control Sports Centre starting 20 February

New access control Sports Centre starting 20 February

In May 2022, new gateways have been placed in the Sports Centre. Due to a shortage of products and a shortage of employees, the gateways were not yet fully implemented. The new gateways will be fully implemented in the second week of February.

Therefore, we are aiming to have the new gateway operational and fully active on February 20 2023. Starting February 20 the access control to the Sports Centre will change for our users. In this mailing you can find all relevant information regarding the new gate.

Main entrance gate
This gate will be installed on the 1st floor, in front of the staircase entrance. Visitors to the Sports Canteen, stands and physiotherapy practice do not need to pass through the entry gate. 
Starting 20 February, the main entrance of the Sports Centre is the only open entrance for customers. 

The access gate ensures that only our customers have access to the Sports Centre by registration. In case of an emergency the gate will open automatically. In addition, the new gate will reduce the risk of unwanted situations and theft. 

Access based on valid subscription
Access to the sports halls and locker rooms will be granted on the basis of a valid UnionCard or CampusCard. This is the basic subscription that allows you, as a customer, to use our sports facilities.

By using the app Sports and Culture UTwente you can scan a QR-code that will be placed on the entrance gate. The QR code will be used to check whether you have a valid subscription and access will then be granted. Below we have explained step by step what you need to activate:

  1. Download the app Sports and Culture UTwente
  2. Log in with your student or employee account or email address (external customers).
  3. Select the 'Scan' function in the app and use this to scan the QR code on the entrance gate.
  4. If you have a valid UnionCard/CampusCard subscription the gate will open.
  5. Are you done exercising and want to leave the building? You can walk out via the gates.

*After installing the app, it is possible that at the first time of logging in it will ask you to open in 'App' or in 'Browser'. Be sure to select to open in app! 

*Access with your studentcard/employee card will also remain a valid option, if you have an active UnionCard/CampusCard.

Should it happen that the gate does not grant you access, then you can report to the Service Desk to check whether everything is configured correctly on your account.

Access to a hall via the stands will not be possible anymore starting February 20. This means that you will need to pass the entrance gate, before you can enter a hall. The stands are only available for visitors who want to watch a training or a match.

Access to fitness and swimming pool
The fitness and swimming pool will also be using the current access gates, these gates are already installed. These will continue to exist because the fitness and the pool need a valid reservation / subscription. Also at these locations you can get access by scanning the QR code.

Access for (away) associations
The boards of the sports associations have received a separate email with more information about the use of the access gate by guests.

Access during exams
The halls in the Sports Centre are also often used as locations for exams. At the time of exams, it is not necessary to scan the QR code. The entrance gate will be opened at these times.

Access for the customers with a disability
Customers / visitors with a disability and other users of the elevator can use the South entrance. At this entrance it is possible to enter the Sports Centre by using the intercom at the door. At the entrance gate there is also a gate for people with a disability.

Do you have questions regarding the access control, the Sports and Culture app or other matters related to sports? Check out our FAQ! Is the answer not there? Please send your question to secr-sport@utwente.nl.