UTSportsSportsWellbeing employees

Wellbeing employees

Creating a healthy workplace and being physically active during workdays is very important. To keep you healthy, we offer some activities for UT employees:

  • Lifestyle checks

    We are very pleased to invite you to participate in Lifestyle Check! 


    With the lifestyle checks, any health risk can be identified at an early stage. When participating, it is good to know that it is a snapshot; the lifestyle check identifies health problems or risks at that moment, but has no predictive value about your health in the future.

    Every week there are ten places available to schedule an appointment throughout the year. 


    The appointment for the lifestyle check lasts 60 minutes and will take place in the Sports Centre (building 49). The appointment consists of three parts:

    1.     Questionnaires

    About 1 week before the lifestyle check the participants will receive an email from Topvorm Twente Physiotherapists/Lifestylechoaches (linken naar: https://topvormtwente.nl/topvorm-twente-eng/), which will be send by Fysioroadmap with the title: Your lifestyle coach has send you questionnaires. This email contains 2 questionnaires that has to be filled in and send back before the check. You will also receive all the information you need about the check by email. 

    2.     A technical medicine student takes various measurements:

    Blood pressure
    Bloodtest (cholesterol ldl & hdl/glucose)
    Fat percentage (using Tanita scales
    Belly circumference
    Body Mass Index

    3.     This is followed by a conversation with the lifestyle coach about the results of the physical measurements and the questionnaires.

    At the end of the check it will be determined which change is desirerable for you and you get advice how you can change that step by step. Maybe you need extra advice about exercise, nutrition, relaxation, breathing or sleep. Together with your lifestyle coach you determine your personal goals and how to achieve them. If you want you can make a next appointment for follow-up.


    You can register via the button. After registration you will receive a confirmation by e-mail, in which you will find an invitation for an agenda appointment. When you confirm this appointment, it will automatically appear in your UT Outlook calendar.

    The data obtained during registration will be used by Topvorm Twente to create a secure personal file. 

    Registration form
    I will join

    We want to offer a Lifestyle Check to everyone who is interested. If it is no longer possible to register, send an e-mail to gezondensterk@utwente.nl. You will be put on a waitinglist; as soon as there is an opening, you will be informed.


    The lifestyle check is performed by lifestyle coaches from Topvorm Twente and students of technical medicine. Topvorm Twente is obliged to guarantee your anonymity. Results of the lifestyle check are submitted to the UT as a group report. The University of Twente has no insight into personal answers and the results cannot be traced to one person. You will receive individual results as a written report after the final conversation. In addition, the results are temporarily stored in a personal file in Fysioroadmap, a secure environment for patient information. The lifestyle coach can view the results during a follow-up appointment and make progress measurable.

    Do you still have any questions after reading this information? Then please contact Ingrid Bos-Bosscha of Healthy and Strong at Work via gezondensterk@utwente.nl.

    We hope you take advantage of this offer! 

  • Online advice: physiotherapist (workplace and physical activity)

    You can contact the physiotherapist online for an advice and questions about your workplace or exercises during a workday. For example about physical complaints, the workplace setting, and useful tips on how to organize the day or get more exercise. Depending on the need, 25 minutes per person is scheduled. 

    For advice about your workplace, you can choose:
    Monday between 8.30-9.30h 
    Wednesday between 16.30-17.30h 
    Friday between 8.30-9.30h 

    For advice about exercises/tips during a workday, you can choose:
    Tuesday between 8.30-9.30h 
    Thursday between 16.30-17.30h 

    Language: NL/EN

    After registration you will receive an invitation for a Teams meeting from the physiotherapist of Topvorm Twente

    Register here
  • Online advice: Energy and stress control

    Are you an employee at the University of Twente and do you feel stressed? Join a free consult about how to control your energy and stress! 

    During this 30 minutes consult you will learn what happens with your body when you feel stressed. The consult is an open discussion with advices about reducing your stress level during your work, sport or free time. 

    Do you feel like you need more help, after the free consult? It's possible to make a follow up appointment. 

    Register on: www.utwente.nl/energy-control 
    When: Please choose a day/time in the registration form. After registration you will receive an appointment by email with the exact day and time 
    How: The consult is individually and online. You will receive an invitation for a video call (+/- 1 hour) before the meeting.   
    Price: First consult is free of charge! 
    Language: NL/EN  

  • Physiotherapy practice @UT

    Do you have (small) an injury? Do not hesitate and ask for advice. You can stop by Topvorm Twente to make an appointment. They are located in the Sports Centre, you can find them across the Servicedesk of the Sports Centre. 

    More information via (Sports)Physiotherapy practice Topvorm Twente.

    Phone: 053-7676020
    Web: www.topvormtwente.nl
    Email: info@topvormtwente.nl

  • Medical fitness

    Three times a week, employees of the UT with (occupational) complaints participate in the Medical fitness program at the Sports Centre. On fixed days and times, there is a physical therapist present for guidance. Employees who wish to make use of this option can make an appointment for an intake.

    As an employee of the UT this training is free of charge.

    Outdoor training times and registration

    Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (only after registration through secr-sport@utwente.nl).

  • Chair massage (temporarily unavailable)

    A good massage will help you relax and allows muscles to relax as you take the same position for a long time during your work. Therefore, the UT offers their employees the chair massage. This is well thought-out and effective pressure point massage, focusing on back, shoulders, arms, hands, hips, neck and head.

    During the massage you will keep you clothes on and no oil is used. The massage is given in a special chair and has a constructive effect, it brings body awareness and has a preventive effect. The circulation is promoted this way and stimulates the self-healing ability of the body.

    In short the advantages of the UT chair massage:

    • Massage of 15 - 20 minutes
    • Preventive impact
    • Using pressure points
    • With clothes 
    • At a special chair massage chair
    • Provides body awareness
    • Stimulates circulation and health

    The chair massage is offered on all days in Linde (Li) building, room 1.20. To avoid delays, it is necessary that you register in advance. Make a reservation here (website Human Resources). If you have any questions please contact us via stoelmassage@utwente.nl

  • Nutritionist

    Many people today are concerned with a healthy living and nutrition. A nutritionist is a specialist in the field of nutrition, lifestyle and health and can support you in this lifestyle.

    Receive advice from Marike ten Oever (dietician) during office hours at the UT. In an interview of half an hour she carries out a weight analysis and in addition, provides insight into your lifestyle and eating patterns and determines your nutrition history. The measuring of the blood pressure and the body fat percentage will also be part of the interview. With this data, she gives personal advice that will fit your situation. She also provides more information about nutrients, vitamins & minerals.

    Day, time and place:
    The office hours of Marike are every Wednesday from 9:00 to 12:00 am and will be at Topvorm Twente. To avoid delays, we ask you to register in advance. By clicking here you can register.

    If you have any questions, please contact Marike (email: m.tenoever@home.nl)