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Mini-lectures Zwarte Cross, episode 3: Chips, digital tastemakers from Dutch soil

The Universitent at the Zwarte Cross, the largest festival in the Netherlands, has been a successful concept for years. In this summer series you can watch the mini-lectures again. In episode 3, Guus Rijnders talks about computer chips.

The Universitent was packed every time. Scientists and students talked about smart chips, sustainability, robotics, climate disasters and much more. A unique setting, because does science have any business at a festival? We can now answer that question with a resounding 'yes'.

Guus Rijnders
Chips: the digital tastemakers of Dutch soil
Guus welcomes you to the dynamic world of the Dutch chip industry. There, innovation prevails and the future is shaped by microscopic heroes: chips! The Netherlands, famous not only for its tulips and cheese, but also for its crucial role in creating the smart devices that dominate our daily lives. Guus Rijnders is a professor at the University of Twente. His research includes developing and exploring nanomaterials for applications in electronic and photonic chips, among others. He will take you on his journey.

About the 'Universitent'

This summer UT scientists and students gave a total of 15 mini-lectures for three days. UT professor Guus Rijnders, one of the organisers of the Universitent, provided musical interludes with his band between the lectures. Guus also gave a lecture himself. Science on Tour students inspired visitors with scientific experiments.

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