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Top 6 21st-century skills you’ll learn during your time as a student

Our world is changing rapidly: by the time you graduate, the world may look very different! All the more important it is to not only earn your credits during your studies, but also to invest in yourself and your skills. Therefore, in this article, we discuss the 6 most important 21st-century skills you can start learning during your studies!

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Editorial Team
Students attending a class

The days of working for the same company for 40 years are over, remote working is on the rise and a growing number of people choose to work as flex workers. With this flexible labour market, one’s choice of study is becoming less and less decisive - instead of rigidly thinking about professions, the focus is now on developable skills, qualities and knowledge. So as important as a degree is, there is more than just getting your papers: to distinguish yourself, it is important to work on the soft skills below.

1. Problem-solving ability

'You sure are very critical.' Does this sound familiar to you? Great! Because critical thinking is the basis for problem-solving and innovative ideas. During your studies, you’ll regularly practice this way of thinking, for example during project work. You’ll look at a problem from different perspectives and by asking the right questions, hopefully come up with an appropriate solution. So never let anyone tell you that you’re too critical or 'ask too many questions', this is just a very important part of your personal development process. 😉

2. Technical skills

Do I need to say more? In today's digital society, having technical skills is not a luxury. And no, that doesn't mean that everyone should be able to design and program an algorithm single-handedly, but a little insight into the wonderful world of technology is useful – for instance in terms of data management and privacy. Even if you’re not technically inclined, you might be able to take a minor or learn from a project fellow. But if you’re tech-savvy: take advantage of it and take your skills to the next level! Employers are eager to hire you.

3. Optimisation

Are you a star at constantly improving your game scores? And do you always notice when people work inefficiently? Optimisation is very important in our digital society where efficiency is key. During your time as a student, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to improve your optimisation skills, in ways that are actually very obvious. Think about time management - juggling between studying for exams, doing assignments, sports, working, extracurriculars and social life is not always easy. Or, for example, managing your finances and finding the best study materials and tools. All lessons that are going to help you in your first steps as a young professional!

4. Resilience

As mentioned before: the world of today isn’t the world of tomorrow. And as a future professional, you should be able to cope with this! In other words, you need to be able to manage different and rapidly changing situations. To achieve this, you should know your strengths and weaknesses, challenge yourself and broaden your horizon. And what better time to do this than as a student! Try something new, like a student team or board year and step out of your comfort zone. That way, you’ll surely encounter challenges that’ll help you become more resilient and also get the most out of your student life!

5. Ethical thinking

Professionals who are not afraid to ask difficult questions and stick to moral standards in difficult situations: that is what companies in 2024 need. Because, for example, how far do you want to go with artificial intelligence and collecting data? As a UT student, you cannot avoid these kinds of topics. In lectures, you explore different perspectives around a topic, and during project work, you’ll have to consider how your idea or product affects society. Additionally, the university is a place where you get to know yourself and your views better: very important for your personal and professional identity and to stand your ground in a complex world full of moral dilemmas!

6. Entrepreneurship

What do Thuisbezorgd.nl, Booking.com and Cheaptickets.nl have in common? They are all start-ups - okay, they may have passed that stage by now – from the UT. The 21st century is characterised by innovation and an increasing emphasis on entrepreneurship, and the university is the perfect place to develop yourself in this field. Whether you dream of starting a start-up or prefer to come up with innovative ideas for existing organisations: being proactive, knowing what's going on and jumping on market gaps can be learned. So, take advantage of the opportunities during your studies! Take part in events such as Create Tomorrow or UT Challenge and - should you want to take the next step - engage Novel-T or Incubase to help you with the finances and management to ultimately bring your idea to life.

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