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Moving into a student room? This is what you need!

Will you be moving into a student room soon? Then you are entering a fun and exciting period! Furnishing your own room is a fun experience, but it also requires some preparation. The challenge is to avoid taking too many things that will only end up cluttering your room. What do you take with you and what do you leave behind? Let’s find out!

Photo of Marit
Two students with moving boxes on the kitchen table in a student house.


In a student house, chances are that almost all the kitchen utensils you need are already there. Of course, it’s possible that some things are missing, or that everyone uses (some of) their own stuff. Therefore, first discuss with your roommates what is already there and what you should bring. Do you have a sandwich iron, air fryer, or toaster at home that no one uses anymore that you can bring? Your housemates probably won't say no to that (if they don't already have it, of course 😉).

Regardless, some things are nice to have yourself. For example, I have some of my own bowls, mugs and tea glasses in my room. These come in handy when you have guests over, and there is less chance of them getting lost, broken, or being used by your roommate just when you need them. Having your own kettle in your room is also very convenient, for quick cups of tea (or instant noodles) for example.


For the bathroom, most things, such as a washing machine, are already present. However, you will still need some bathroom items. Make sure you have some towels and a sponge. You will also need a laundry basket; preferably one that does not take up too much space and that you can put somewhere in the corner of your room. Finally, you will of course need to bring your own toiletries. In most student houses, you keep all these items in your own room (except your soap and shampoo, which you’ll most likely leave in the shower), so keep in mind that you need to reserve some space for them.


Obviously, most things you’ll need will be for your own room, starting with the furniture. A few pieces of furniture are essential, including a bed, wardrobe and desk and/or table with a good office chair. Since space is often limited in a student room, it is very convenient to have a bed with storage drawers or a bed on legs (where you can store things underneath). Depending on the size of the room, you can also add cabinets and a couch or comfortable chair.


For sleeping accessories, you will need at least a mattress, duvet, pillows, mattress protector, fitted sheet, and duvet cover. It's convenient to have two sets of duvet covers and fitted sheets, especially if you don't have a dryer. This way, you’ll never have to worry about whether they are dry in time after washing. A bedside lamp and a bedside table are also important. Finally, make sure to check whether you need to bring your own curtains.

Always handy

Some things are always convenient to have. A (wall) coat rack and a small shoe rack will help keep your room organised. Also, don't forget to buy a small trash can for your room. Finally, foldable items such as a foldable laundry rack and a foldable chair are a must. Especially if you don't have space for a couch but want to invite guests over from time to time, such a chair can be very handy.


The items mentioned above are basically all you need. Still, it's nice to add accessories, because that will really make your room feel like home. So, add all kinds of things that you love and remind you of home! Think of, for example, lamps, photos, cushions, a rug, plants, etcetera.

Final tips

Your student room is basically a combination of a bedroom, study and living room in one. If you have the space, try to separate these different areas from each other. For instance, you can separate the bed from the rest of the room with a bookcase or shelving unit. If possible, also create a small sitting area to relax.

It can be very useful to draw your room to scale before decorating, so you can figure out what will fit in your room before buying furniture. Make sure to check out thrift stores for these items, which can save you a lot of unnecessary costs! For a full list of items you may need when moving out, also take a look at our checklist

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