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Taking a gap year: yes or no? Here are the pros and cons!

Are you about to finish high school? Then you face an important decision: will you continue studying straight away, or take a gap year? During such a year, you have time to develop yourself, recuperate and try new things after the hustle and bustle of exams. Yet a gap year is not for everyone. Is it the right choice for you? Here are the pros and cons!

Photo of Marit
A student looking over her shoulder with a backpack on.

The advantages of a gap year

Academic preparation

Haven't passed all your high school classes yet? No need to panic! A gap year is the perfect time to catch up on the necessary subjects to start studying the following year. Or perhaps you've already found your dream study, but you haven't passed the right subjects or the required level. In this case, catching up on subjects during a gap year can be a solution as well.

Study choice and doubts

It may also happen that you are not sure yet what (and maybe whether) you want to study. If you are in doubt about your choice of study, a gap year can offer you the opportunity to gain clarity. Use this year to visit open days, talk to students and lecturers or participate in ‘student for a day’ activities. A part-time job or volunteering can also help you in your study choice. You might just discover your hidden talent and find out what you truly like.

Catching your breath

High school, especially the final year, can be challenging and stressful. A gap year gives you the chance to recharge and, in the meantime, do things you otherwise wouldn’t have time for, such as travelling or learning a new language. This way, you will start the new academic year full of energy and motivation!

Personal development

Another reason to take a gap year is to develop yourself. A gap year can be the perfect time to travel, volunteer, or do an internship, work or learn something new. Not only are these fun experiences, but they also enhance your CV, which may give you an edge when it comes to admission to certain studies or your future job. You will also gain valuable skills here, such as independence and financial management.

Financial considerations

Studying is expensive, so working during a gap year, can help you build up some savings. Don't worry, you can also have a part-time job while studying, so saving for your studies really doesn't have to be the main reason to take a gap year. But if you've decided to take one, a part-time job to save some money for your gap year and your studies is a nice buffer!

The disadvantages of a gap year

Maintaining study rhythm

A gap year, filled with all sorts of fun activities, can make it difficult to return to the classroom and regain your study rhythm. For some, of course, this is more challenging than for others. If you're someone who needs structure and rhythm to stay motivated, this could be a reason to consider not taking a gap year.

No clear plan

A gap year can be very educational, but it requires a clear plan. Without clear goals and planning, you risk wasting your valuable time sleeping in and binge-watching series. While that might seem appealing now, it's a waste of time! Therefore, it's crucial to think carefully beforehand about how you want to spend your year to make the most of your gap year.


Let's face it, a gap year can be expensive, especially if you plan to travel or undertake other activities. Here too, a clear (financial) plan is essential. You might choose to work the first part of your gap year and then travel. There are also various jobs you can do from home. In any case, carefully consider whether the experiences are worth the financial investment for you.


Taking a gap year means you will start your studies a year later and thus graduate a year later. This delay doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, but it's important to consider whether you mind being ‘a year behind.'

Knowing what you want

Be aware that a gap year is not a must, despite its popularity these days. If you already know what and where you want to study, you are convinced of your choice and you are eager to start, it is also a logical step to start your studies right away.

To conclude

Last but not least, remember that there is no right or wrong choice. Whether or not to take a gap year really depends on your personal situation and goals. If you choose to take a gap year, it can be an incredibly valuable experience, if you have a good plan, of course ;). Don't forget to discuss with your parents and others around you, to make the best choice for you that everyone supports!

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