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Summer holiday checklist for students: 14 things to do before you leave!

It's finally summer, which means it's time to enjoy our well-deserved vacation! For many of us, that also means leaving our student house for a while to travel. Perhaps you're heading back to your family home, going on a road trip, or even working abroad. But, before you close the door of your student room behind you, there are a few things you shouldn't forget. Don't worry, with this checklist, you can leave and return home with peace of mind!

Photo of Marit
A student standing at the trainstation with a suitcase in hand.

1. Check your passport's expiration date

The last thing you want is to arrive at Schiphol Airport only to find out that your passport has expired. It can happen to the best of us, so do yourself a favour and check if your passport is still valid after reading this article. If it is due to expire in a few months, it’s wise to apply for a new one as soon as possible.

2. Check if you need a visa or vaccinations

Different countries require different preparations. To visit certain countries, you might need a visa or certain vaccinations. So, check in advance whether this applies to you – this way, you won’t be caught off guard.

3. Arrange your re-enrolment

During your holiday, you probably want to think about your studies as little as possible: as you should! Therefore, I recommend to arrange your re-enrolment for your studies in advance. This way you can go on your holiday carefree!

4. Leave your room clean

You know the drill: during the last weeks before the summer holidays, you are busy with your final exams and deadlines and certainly not with cleaning and tidying your room. However, avoid packing your bags and leaving your room in this state (read: total mess). So, clean your room, do your laundry and wash your dishes before you leave for your well-deserved vacay. Bonus points if you also wash your bedsheets and make your bed. Your future self will thank you for it!

5. Clear out your fridge

This chore takes little effort but is still often forgotten: before you leave, take a good look at your fridge and throw away all perishable foods. You really don't want to find a lost cucumber in the back of the fridge after your holiday…

6. Prepare a meal

What’s better than coming home from holiday and not having to go to the supermarket or cook? So, help yourself a little and put a meal in the freezer for the day of your return! Buy a frozen meal or, if you are in a culinary mood, cook a healthy meal in advance. After a long journey and bland plane meals, you will surely appreciate this!

7. Empty your bins

Don't forget to throw away all your trash before you leave. Nothing is worse than finding a rotting trash bag upon return. And no, that final banana peel from breakfast on travel day is no exception ;). Make sure to throw your final trash straight into the container or dispose of it on the way.

8. Inform your roommates and landlord

A little update to your housemates and landlord never hurts. Let them know when you are leaving, how long you will be away and how they can reach you in case of an emergency.

9. Unplug non-essential devices

Before you leave, unplug all unimportant appliances and electronics. Even when electronics are switched off, they still consume power. By unplugging, you save money and prevent potential hazards.

10. Turn down your boiler and thermostat

If you live alone or your housemates are going on vacation too, it is wise to turn down your boiler. Boilers continuously heat water, which consumes energy. A waste, if you are on vacation! So, if leave for a longer period of time, turn the boiler down or even off. However, remember to flush the pipes and heat the boiler properly upon return to avoid the risk of legionella! To save even more, it's also a good idea to turn down the thermostat to around 15 degrees.

11. Lock all windows and doors

Very obvious, of course, but don't forget to lock all doors and windows before you leave. This way, you can leave your room safely for a longer period of time.

12. Secure your bike

As a student, your bike is indispensable. Therefore, leaving your bike unattended outside all summer is not the best idea. Make sure to lock and secure your bike, for instance in your shed or garden. Places like the train station are a no-go: if you leave your bike there for a few weeks, there's a chance it will be stolen (or your saddle may be gone upon return; speaking from experience). Sometimes bikes are also removed if they have been there for too long. So, if your journey starts by train, consider getting to the station by bus or foot instead.

13. Leave your valuables securely

Are you not taking expensive items such as your laptop, tablet or watch on vacation? Then you of course want to leave them behind safely. If you leave your belongings in your room, it's best if you lock them away, for instance in a safe or a drawer that can be locked. But I know, the chances of your student house having these facilities are probably not very high. So, at least make sure your belongings are out of sight, for instance in a drawer or cupboard. You could also consider leaving your things with friends who are staying at home.

14. Don't forget about your plants

Last but not least, if you have plants like me, don't forget to leave them without care. It would be a shame to find them dead after your holiday. Therefore, arrange a plant sitter – your roommate, for instance. You can also buy a water drip system for a few euros. Pro tip: a plastic bottle will do the same job. Cut the back off a plastic bottle, poke a few holes in the cap, stick it upside down in the soil and fill it with water. Done!

Checked off everything on this list? Check, check, double-check? Then you're more than ready to travel. Enjoy your vacation!

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