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9 side hustles to make money as a student this summer

Summer break is the ultimate time to hang out with friends, do fun activities and go on vacation! The only problem: your bank account, which is likely already suffering from your student life expenses, is gradually getting emptier. Therefore, making some extra money during the summer vacation isn’t a bad idea. So, here are 9 creative ways to boost your bank account!

Photo of Marit
Two 20-euro banknotes

Of course, you can always look for a regular part-time job during the summer holidays. However, if you're planning to take a few weeks off to go on vacation, or simply don't want to work throughout your entire holiday, you'll soon realise that finding a fun part-time job isn't always that easy. No worries, with these 9 side hustles, you can earn extra money this summer without sacrificing your entire vacation!

1. Working as a freelancer

Perhaps the easiest way to make money for a short period of time is by taking on freelance jobs. You can decide where, when and how much you work! Nowadays, there are numerous platforms such as YoungOnes, Roamler and more where you can easily respond to jobs with an account. The jobs you can do are very diverse: whether you prefer tapping beers at festivals, delivering groceries, cleaning or waiting tables, there is always something for you!

2. Translating

Are you good with languages? And are your spelling and grammar flawless? Then you can start working as an online translator. Again, there are various platforms where you can sign up. Through an international platform, such as Gengo or Tomedes, you probably have the best chance of getting started straight away.

3. Selling old stuff

You probably have plenty of clothes, accessories, decorations and other stuff lying around in your student room that you no longer use. Why not just sell them? The easiest way to sell clothes is through Vinted. Especially if you sell branded clothes, you can make quite a bit of money there. Good photos taken in daylight, preferably wearing the item, and a detailed description will help you sell your clothes quickly. Other items can easily be sold on Marktplaats or Facebook Marketplace.

4. Selling your study materials

Your old notes and summaries, which (hopefully) got you a good grade, can also make you money. A well-known website for this is Stuvia, but sometimes you can also sell your study materials through your study association. Your study books are also often worth quite a bit of money. Sell them via Bookmatch or Marktplaats, for example. Of course, only do this when you have finished your study or when you are sure you no longer need them ;).

5. Babysitting

The summer holidays generally mean peak demand for babysitters. Many parents search for someone to look after their children during this period. If you like children (and can handle a bit of chaos), babysitting might be the perfect summer job for you! In addition to your available hours, you can often set your hourly rate, by platforms like Sitly, which means babysitting can earn you good money - especially if you already have some experience.

6. Pet sitting

Okay, being a babysitter might not be for everyone: entertaining a child all day can be quite challenging and is, of course, a big responsibility. An alternative for the animal lovers among us is to become a pet sitter through websites like Pawshake. Earning money while taking care of cute animals, it almost sounds too good to be true! Yet, it is indeed possible: during the summer holidays, many people are looking for sitters for their dog, cat or other pets. Usually, you can specify which services you offer and what rate you charge.

7. Selling your own creations

Are you creative and do you enjoy making things yourself? Platforms like Etsy allow you to sell your homemade jewellery, clothes, art and more. This way, you earn money while engaging in your hobby. Ideal!

8. Online surveys

You can also earn a nice extra for your summer holidays by filling in online questionnaires. Several platforms, such as LifePoints and YouGov, allow you to sign up for free. Okay, to be honest, the work itself isn't very exciting, but the advantage is that you can fill out surveys from the comfort of your own home, whenever you want. Before signing up for a platform, always check whether it is reliable though!

9. Gardening

If you enjoy working outside in the summer, you can offer your services as a gardener as well. Think about tasks like mowing lawns, pruning hedges, weeding or cleaning windows. Ask around among friends and family or in your neighbourhood, or take a more professional approach and advertise on social media.

Hopefully, you got enough inspiration to earn money flexibly this summer, without having to give up all your free days. This way, you can enjoy your holidays with a well-filled wallet. Good luck with your new side hustle!

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