Battery Centre Twente

Enabling Smart, Sustainable, and Scalable battery solutions.

The storage of energy is one of the key challenges in the energy transition. Sustainable, high-density and flexible batteries are needed to balance the fluctuating production of renewable power with demand. The Battery Centre Twente brings together all battery research activities at the University of Twente. The goal is to advance research to realize breakthrough solutions for next-generation battery technology in a systemic approach and by addressing the complete battery value chain. 

Our centre focuses on four different missions:

Four missions

  • Next generation battery materials and cells

    Design and realize innovative and integral concepts for battery cells to increase energy density, charging rate, lifetime and safety for mobility, portables and stationary use.  

    Involved expertises:

    • Advanced materials and chemistry
    • Integrated sensors
    • Thermal management
    • Raw materials, mining and mineral exploration
    • Design for circularity, reuse, recycling
  • Advanced manufacturing strategies and production design

    Develop efficient and sustainable battery production processes, factories and supply chains - enabling significant reduction of costs and environmental impact.

    Involved expertises:

    • Production Equipment and Process Methods/Chains
    • Smart Manufacturing/Automated production
    • Energy and Resource Efficiency
    • Quality Management
    • Digital twinning
  • Energy-efficient packs & systems

    Realize flexible battery pack development for specific performance requirements based on enhanced energy efficiency and improved Life Cycle Analysis.

    Involved expertises:

    • Power electronics
    • System engineering
    • Safety (engineering, testing, certification)
    • Battery Management Systems
    • Embedded software
  • Smart battery applications

    Optimize mobile and stationary battery applications to enable sustainable energy generation and use, and ensure a resilient grid

    Involved expertises:

    • Smart Grid and Energy Management Systems
    • Advanced Mobility Concepts
    • Policy and Governance 
    • Local Energy Communities (incl. policies, socioeconomics, human behaviour)
    • Grid Stabilization (industrial/commercial)
    • Safety (engineering, testing, certification)

At the University of Twente extensive expertise in battery research is located in all faculties, MESA+ Institute for NanotechnologyDigital Society Institute and Fraunhofer Innovation Platform. A wide range of battery research and development projects are ongoing in collaboration with industry ranging from new fundamental storage concepts to solving applied industrial challenges. The University of Twente participates in the Battery Safety Test Center (BSTC), a state of art test- and certification center for batteries, focused on (fire) safety at the Twente Safety Campus.

The UT is a member of the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) and is actively involved in the BATT4EU Partnership towards a competitive European industrial battery value chain by contributing to several technical working groups in which the future battery calls for Horizon Europe are being defined. On the national level we have been strongly involved in the ‘National Action Plan Battery Systems’ which will be published soon, and subsequently the establishment of the national Battery Competence Cluster NL to realize the identified actions. Furthermore, strong involvement on impact development is expected within several recently funded national battery programs, such as ‘NXTGEN Hightech’ Growthfund and ‘BatteryNL’ NWA amongst others.

Strengthening of the strategic partnership between the Twente and Munster regions in the field of battery technology is an important focus, in collaboration with Twente Board and the regional development organization OostNL. In the strategic partnership between the University of Twente and the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Munster battery research is an important direction for collaboration. Strong contacts exist between the MEET battery institute of WWU and the UT battery centre, but also between the new Fraunhofer Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle (FFB Munster) and the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform (FIP@UT).


Introduction movie for the Battery Centre Twente:

Programme coordinator

As part of the Centre for Energy Innovation we provide a single point of contact for interested industrial companies and governmental organizations. Together with our partners we create a strong position in regional, national, European and global battery research collaborations.

Are you interested in working with us? Contact our strategic business developer Dr. Sebastian Husein for more information.  

mission leaders