UTServicesCFMSustainabilityEventsGreen Hub Symposium: Geo-Techno Social solutions for sustainability transformation

Green Hub Symposium: Geo-Techno Social solutions for sustainability transformation

The symposium "Geo-Techno-Social Solutions for Sustainability Transformation" aims to bridge the gaps between academic fields and create the connections necessary for a sustainable transformation of UT and beyond. Through the lens of UT’s Geo-Techno-Social approach, it will present the opportunities present in the shift to a sustainable climate.

  • What? Symposium: Geo-Techno-Social solutions for sustainability transformation
  • When? October 2024 (Exact date to be announced soon) 
  • Where? University of Twente
  • Registration? Needed, use the link below.

what to expect?

The symposium will feature keynote presentations from leading UT researchers in sustainability and climate change. Accompanying these will be a presentation from the grant office Twente showcasing opportunities in grants for sustainable research and intersectionality. In between the speeches, the participants can participate in various workshops organised by GreenHub and project partners. One example is the co-creation session to find a collective definition of the Geo-Techno-Social approach, bringing together perspectives and paving the way for future transformation. Existing efforts towards a sustainable society by UT researchers will be presented in an inspiring research showcase.


More information on the DATE, speakers, and location will be available soon!

Green Hub Symposium: Geo-Techno Social solutions for sustainability transformation