Technical Medical Centre

Session overview & Review presentations 

Development of a mobilization device for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ecmo) patients

Simon Hulshof (ET-EOST), Quint Meinders (ET-EOST), Frank Halfwerk (ET-EOST), Jutta Arens (ET-EOST), Danny van Galen (ET-EOST)


Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a temporary lifesaving treatment for critically ill patients with severe respiratory or cardiac failure. Studies demonstrated the feasibility of in-hospital mobilizing during and after ECMO treatment preventing neuromuscular weakness and impaired physical functioning. Despite more compact mobile ECMO devices, implementation of ambulatory ECMO remains labor-intensive, complex, and challenging. It requires a large multidisciplinary team to carry equipment, monitor and physically support the patient, and to provide a back-up wheelchair in case of fatigue. Moreover, there is no adequate solution to ensure the stability of the patient’s cannula and circuit management during ambulation.

We developed a system contributing to improvement and innovation of current ambulatory ECMO patient programs. Our modular cart-in-cart system carries necessary ECMO equipment, features an extendable walking frame, and contains a folding seat for patient transport. An adjustable shoulder brace with lockable tubing connectors enables safe fixation of the blood tubing. ECMOve provides safety, support, and accessibility while performing ambulatory ECMO for both patient and caregiver.

Evaluation of the first prototype demonstrated the feasibility of our design in a simulated intensive care unit. Currently, several components of our first prototype are being optimized and prepared for verification and validation testing in a clinical setting.