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Data-driven profiles to support shared decision-making and user interaction for patients with COPD: A latent class analysis

Roswita M. E. Vaseur (EEMCS-BSS), Wendy d’Hollosy (EEMCS-BSS), Tessa Beinema (EEMCS-HMI), Janine van Til (BMS-HTSR), and Monique Tabak (EEMCS-BSS),


Purpose: The objective of this study is to explore the identification of distinct patient profiles among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) based on their preferences for shared decision making (SDM) and information provision.

Method:  A sequential mixed-methods study was conducted, to investigate the possibility of identifying distinct COPD patient profiles. Initially, three in-person focus groups were conducted to gather qualitative insights on patient preferences for SDM and information provision. Subsequently, these insights were input for the development of a digital questionnaire to collect quantitative data on preferences for SDM and information provision, experiences, and demographics. Data analysis was then conducted using the software program RStudio.

Result: In total, 117 patients completed the questionnaire from December 2023 to April 2024, of which 76 (65%) were female. Overall, 44.4% of patients (n=52) prefer to share responsibilities with their healthcare provider to decide which treatment is best for them. Furthermore, most patients prefer clear and concise information presented in a bar graph format rather than other visual aids like pictures, line graphs, or circle diagrams during a consultation.

Conclusion: Based on the preliminary results, it is expected that at least two patients’ profiles will be identified. The first is an advisory-seeking profile, where patients prefer to gather information and listen to expert advice before making a decision. The second is a collaborative profile, whereby patients value a SDM approach, actively engaging in the process and collaborating with their healthcare provider to reach a decision that aligns with their needs and preferences.