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A needle guidance system employing ultrasound region tracking for precision biopsy procedures

Benjamin Meijerink(EEMCS-RAM), Vincent Groenhuis(EEMCS-RAM), Luuk Spreeuwers(EEMCS-DMB), Françoise Siepel(EEMCS-RAM)


An ultrasound-guided biopsy is a cost-effective and minimally invasive approach to taking biopsies from a subcutaneous lesion. Since these are done by hand the procedure has room for human error and can take longer than needed. Introducing a needle guidance system could enhance performance of ultrasound-guided biopsies. This research introduces such an application, consisting of a robotized ultrasound-assisted needle guide attached to the probe.

The application consist of a single servo attached to a probe. The parts connecting the motor and the probe and needle holder are 3d-printed, making this a cost-effective, portable and simple design

The application is capable of tracking a lesion and manipulating the angle of the needle to assist during the biopsy. Preliminary results show that a tumor in a breast phantom can be tracked accurately and in real time. Additionally the needle can be steered towards the lesion using the tracked target location and can reach the tumor.

This application could increase biopsy accuracy and, as such, it could reduce operating time, recovery time of the patient and costs.