Technical Medical Centre

Session overview & Review presentations 

How to support (future) healthcare professionals in dealing with technological innovations

Marlon Nieuwenhuis (BMS-HIB-PGT)

Mila Grozdanovska

Matthijs Noordzij

Maaike Endedijk


As technology-enhanced healthcare continues to advance, it presents us with exciting opportunities to enhance healthcare efficiency and extend our reach to more patients. On the other hand, technological advancements can also challenge the traditional role of the healthcare professional as a care provider, and thereby threaten their professional identity. To pave the way for the successful integration of innovative technologies in (mental) healthcare, our students must not only embrace these new tools but also embark on a journey to refine and reaffirm their professional identities. In our research project we aim to understand the different ways in which students and professionals do this. Our ultimate goal is to develop tools and interventions that will guide and support these students and professionals in seamlessly integrating technology into their professional identities.


The type of questions we would like to ask the audience are:

-          What does it mean to be a (mental) health care professional with increasing technological innovations that are reshaping the landscape of patient care?

o   Does this differ across different fields? (e.g., medical professionals vs. care-focused professionals, such as nurses, psychologists)

-          How should we prepare students in (mental) healthcare to deal with the role of technology in their future work field?

o   What are current practices in study programs?

o   What are needs of study programs to be able to further support students in their technology-related development?

The objective of the session is to get more insight into how we can better support technology-related learning in healthcare students and professionals.