UTTechMedTechMed CentreEventsUpcoming eventsSymposium: Data-driven decisions in health care

Symposium: Data-driven decisions in health care

We would like to invite you to the live symposium ‘Data-driven decisions in health care’. The symposium is organized prior to the PhD ceremony of Mathijs Hendriks, medical oncologist at the Noordwest Hospital Group and PhD candidate at the University of Twente, where he will defend his thesis: ‘Data-driven decision support for multidisciplinary clinical decision-making and reporting in breast cancer’.

Mathijs Hendriks has conducted his research in close cooperation with Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL) in recent years. His dissertation addresses the challenge of supporting decision-making within multidisciplinary consultations with clinical decision trees and data. In addition, a concept model for decision trees as the basis of a self-learning care system has been developed and included in the dissertation as a viewpoint. During the symposium, the implementation of data-driven processes in oncological care will be discussed in a broader perspective.

Leading speakers will take you through topic related to the thesis

• Prof. dr. Theo Ruers, University of Twente Nederlands Kanker Instituut, Amsterdam
• Prof. dr. Misja Mikkers, University of Twente
• Thijs van Vegchel MSc, IKNL
• Joppe Tra PhD, Kennisinstituut van de Federatie Medisch Specialisten
• Prof. dr. Miriam Koopman, Medical Oncologist at Utrecht, ONCODEPACT
• Dr. Desiree van den Bongard, Radiotherapist at Amsterdam UMC, guidelines working group NABON and National Radiotherapy Platform
• Drs. Stefan Kroese, Chairman of the Board of Directors Noordwest Hospital Groep and Chairman mProve

The final program will be published on www.iknl.nl and www.utwente.nl/en/bms/htsr/. Those who registered for this symposium will be informed about the final program at a later date.

The symposium will take place from 11:30 to 16:00 hour in the Auditorium of the TechMed Centre, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. The defence will start at 16.30 hour with an informative talk concerning the content of the thesis. The defence is in the “Waaier”(building 12) of the University of Twente.

The symposium and defence will be in Dutch.
During the symposium, photos will be taken for use on the website and media channels of the University of Twente, Noordwest Hospital Group and the IKNL.

Invited guests. The symposium has much to offer for:
• Researchers, caregivers, general practitioners, nursing specialists, nurses in oncological care
• Board members of patient associations
• Directors, managers, and policy staff of health care institutions

Note 3 December in your agenda!

Through the registration button you can subscribe.

On behalf of the organizing commitee:
Dr. Agnes Jager, medical oncologist at ErasmusMC
Prof. dr. S. Siesling, clinical epidemiologist, IKNL and professor of Outcome Research and Personalized Cancer Care, University of Twente

Symposium: Data-driven decisions in health care