UTTechMedTechMed CentreNewsTechMed Centre Experience - Open house UT recap 2023

TechMed Centre Experience - Open house UT recap 2023

It was an incredible day at the Technical Medical Centre (TechMed Centre) during the UT Open House on June 3rd! The TechMed Centre welcomed people of all ages, curious to explore the exciting world of medical technology at the University of Twente. The TechMed Centre was buzzing with activities and discoveries throughout the day. The 'Children's Square' was a hit among the little ones, where they engaged in interactive and educational experiences related to medical technology.

Meanwhile, older children and adults had the opportunity to walk around the building and immerse themselves in demos, workshops, and informative sessions. From the fascinating MRI air cushion to the UV mirror highlighting the effects of UV light, there was something for everyone to enjoy and learn from.

The Science Square took visitors on a journey through various technological advancements in the field of medicine. From exploring the workings of a biopsy robot to witnessing simulations of different diseases with 'Metiman', attendees gained a deeper understanding of cutting-edge medical innovations.

The TechMed Experience Tour provided a first-hand look at the state-of-the-art facilities within the TechMed Centre. Participants had the chance to explore an operating room, visit the intensive care unit, learn about ultrasound techniques, experience a laparoscopy simulation, and discover the role of e-Health in patient care.

Throughout the event, visitors also had the opportunity to explore other medical technological labs and spaces on the University of Twente campus. These additional activities further enriched the overall experience and showcased the breadth of research taking place at the University of Twente.

Enjoy the photo album of the TechMed Centre Experience.