
PERSONA project

Better informed, better care: Optimising breast cancer information presentation based on individual preferences

The PERSONa project

When a patient is diagnosed, a challenging and emotional journey is started. Being informed is key for navigating this period. Cancer patients experience difficulties with getting adequate information about their illness, in a manner that fits their personal preferences and needs. The lack of personalised patient education for breast cancer patients results in, amongst others, serious mood problems, a distorted risk perception, decisional regret and a lower quality of life.

To empower breast cancer patients to participate in shared decision making, information should be made more understandable. Efforts have previously been made to personalise information content. However, tailoring of information presentation (including amount, timing, complexity, perspective, style and navigation) is relatively unexplored.

We designed a framework for personalised presentations of digital information for and with breast cancer patients. The project used a human-centred approach that includes not only patients by focus groups, questionnaires, co-design sessions and evaluation, but also included digital information providers.

Come to the symposium 'More patient empowerment with digital technology'
The PERSONA project concludes with the symposium 'More patient empowerment with Digital Technology.'. This event is held in Dutch.

The resulting framework

The framework will be added later.