Sustainable employability in healthcare

Internal Research Portal

The societal challenge of staffing in healthcare

Our healthcare system is renowned for its quality, but its sustainability is at risk due to significant staff shortages, particularly in hospital and elderly care. With the World Health Organization projecting a global shortfall of 18 million healthcare workers by 2030, the urgency to address this issue is clear. In the Twente region, demographic challenges further exacerbate these shortages, leading to increased workload and stress among existing staff. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical need for sustainable employability in healthcare. To ensure the long-term well-being of healthcare professionals and maintain high-quality care, our research program seeks to innovate and implement integrated solutions. By prioritizing the work quality and support for healthcare employees, we aim to foster a resilient and effective healthcare system for the future.


The objective of this program is to increase the impact of the University of Twente in the alleviation of the staffing crisis in health care by using the relevant and distinctive knowledge and skills of the UT specifically on this societal challenge. This strategic program addresses the staffing shortage by improving work quality for healthcare professionals, supporting employee wellbeing, increasing their (psychological) resilience and fostering sustainable use of resources. The overall aim is to create a work environment where employees feel valued, engaged, and empowered to work more efficiently and effectively. It does so by combining knowledge and expertise in operational management, health technology assessment, human resource management/people management, sustainable employability, organizational change, and development and/or deployment of medical technology (including digital solutions). To alleviate the pressure on the current health system, it is important to focus on both intramural and extramural care. By redesigning, optimizing, and evaluating processes focusing on employee wellbeing, organizations can improve efficiency, quality of care, and labour quality, thereby minimizing the likelihood of employee attrition and promoting sustainable employability.


The knowledge and activities obtained in in this program will impact employee wellbeing and engagement and the way medical technology can be embedded in a resourceful workplace whilst being cost-effective and value for patient and healthcare organisation.


Below you will find an overview of the current pillars from the program of the TechMed Centre. More information about the content of the individual pillars will be added soon.  

  1. Labour market optimization
  2. Hospital-relocated and appropriate remote care
  3. (Intramural) care process optimization

Upcoming activities


Would you like to know more about the Sustainable employability in healthcare program? Or do you have comments or inquiries? Please contact us. 

dr. R.M. van Wijk (Renske)
Coordinator External Collaborations