Engineered Therapeutics

The mission of the Engineered Therapeutics section of the research group Advanced Organ bioengineering and Therapeutics (AOT) is to provide high-quality research and education in the field of targeted therapies, i.e. the design and characterization of novel targeted (nano)medicines to treat society-burdening diseases in a highly specific manner. Particularly nanotechnology can help to create nanomedicines with superior efficacy and minimal side effects. The research team is evaluating new targeting concepts and strategies by combining the knowledge and strengths of multiple scientific disciplines, like biology, chemistry, pharmaceutical (nano)technology and pharmacology. Our newly designed targeted (nano)medicines do not only reach the pathological site but also the pathogenic cells within the microenvironment of the target site to modulate cell-specific functions. To optimize this, imaging-guided drug delivery approaches are being developed. We focus particularly on applications in cancer, inflammatory diseases, atherosclerosis and fibrosis. The department strives for a close interaction between academia, clinic, and industry, in order to facilitate the transfer of academic results to the clinical setting.

Research Jai Prakash

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