UTFacultiesTNWResearchDept BISCNPHNewsVouchers for Pioneers in Health Care

Vouchers for Pioneers in Health Care

Innovation fund Pioneers in Health Care (PIHC) has awarded 600,000 euros in new research vouchers.

Pioneers in Health Care (PIHC) is a unique fund for medical technology research in the Salland and Twente regions. Teams consisting of at least one healthcare professional (hospitals) and a researcher (UT / Saxion) conduct research together, on the condition that it must lead to better patient care. Six tonnes is available for this this year. "The winning studies cover a large area of ​care: from orthopedics and oncology, to neurostimulation, OR planning, chemotherapy and new developments for COPD patients.

Prof.dr.ir. Michel van Putten received one of the vouchers.