UTFacultiesTNWResearchDept BISCNPHPeopleAlumniDr. A.A. (Annika) de Goede - 2019

Dr. A.A. (Annika) de Goede - 2019

Alumnus (obtained PhD degree in 2019) 
Dr. A.A. (Annika) de Goede 
Building: Technohal 
Room: 3385
Phone: +31 53 489 5310 / 1116
E-mail: a.a.degoede@utwente.nl


I studied Technical Medicine at the University of Twente. After obtaining my bachelor‘s degree, I continued with the Master Track ‘Medical Signaling’. My graduation project, at the Clinical Neurophysiology and Intensive Care Unit of the Martini hospital Groningen, was about measuring and modelling intracranial blood flow velocity in septic patients during fluid resuscitation. In March 2014 I received my master’s degree Technical Medicine, after which I started working as a PhD student at the Clinical Neurophysiology (CNPH) department of prof. Van Putten. My project is about implementing double pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in epilepsy.


Epilepsy is characterized by an enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizures, due to an increased cortical excitability. However, between the seizures, the brain may function completely or almost normally. This makes it difficult to diagnose or rule out epilepsy or to evaluate the efficacy of anti-epileptic medication.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive technique to stimulate the brain using magnetic pulses. It provides the opportunity to assess cortical excitability. During double pulse TMS, excitability is assessed by applying two pulses (conditioning and test pulse) shortly after each other and varying the interstimulus interval.

During my PhD I will investigate whether double pulse TMS can be used to diagnose or rule out epilepsy and whether this technique has the ability to evaluate the efficacy of anti-epileptic medication, by measuring whether the prescribed medication indeed decreases cortical excitability.


Neuraal systeem course for bachelor’s students of Technical Medicine: practical courses 4.1 EEG and 4.2 EMG.