Researchers & Contacts

Group leader

Group Leader S.Y. Wong (Albert)
Associate Professor

I am fascinated with the idea that networks of chemical reactions operate in harmony to govern living system. I believe that we could create chemical reaction networks (CRNs) capable of functions akin artificial intelligence. To realize this ambition, I started my Tenure Track position at the University of Twente in 2020. Together with my team, we explore and demonstrate the operating principles in networks of interacting molecules under out-of-equilibrium conditions. 

See my CV for further information. 


Postdoctoral researcher
T. Moazzenzade (Taghi) Dr.

[to be updated]

PhD researcher
É. Fernandes da Cunha MSc MRes (Éverton)
PhD Candidate

I've been a Ph.D. researcher at the University of Twente since October, where I focus on using hypergraphs to model chemical reactions. I’m originally from Brazil and I bring a background in complex science (chaos and complex networks), machine learning, and control theory to my research. My interests extend beyond my academic pursuits, and I enjoy learning new things and incorporating them into my life and work. I believe that this background provides me with a unique perspective to explore real complex systems, such as chemical reactions, neuroscience, social science, metascience, and many other systems with amazing emergent behaviors.

PhD researcher
ir. Y.J. Kraakman (Yanna)
PhD Candidate

Hi! My name is Yanna, and I am an applied mathematician. Since September 2022, I am employed as a PhD candidate at the University of Twente, on the topic of Chemical Reaction Networks. My expertise lies in network science; I am intrigued by the beauty of networks and their effectiveness in uncovering structures. Within this project, I will therefore focus on establishing a connection between chemical reactions and mathematical networks and on discovering interesting properties of these networks. I am excited to contribute to this pioneering research.

PhD student
A.H. Koyuncu - Çetinkaya MSc (Hazal)
PhD Candidate

Hazal Koyuncu joined our lab s a Ph. D. student in April 2021: She obtained her M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering at Prague University of Chemistry and Technology in Czech Republic. Hazal's research focuses on the development reactive surfaces in confined, microfluidic, spaces. More specifically, she is developing methods that uses poly-L-lysine (i.e., charged polymers) to functionalize surfaces in microfluidic devices, which allows for so-called local chemical feedback (i.e., spatially-organized activation and inhibition feedback loops).

PhD student
D. Kriukov MSc (Dmitrii)
PhD Candidate

Dmitry Kryukov joined our lab as a Ph. D. student in September 2020. He graduated for his M.Sc. degree in Chemistry at the Moscow State University (MSU) in Russia. Dmitrii's research focuses on understanding how CRNs can respond to changes in gradients. His recently published work demonstrates that a simple three-component CRN, under out-of-equilibrium conditions, is already capable of history-dependent functions (i.e., essential property for neuromorphic computing).


MSc Student
Thomas van Poppel BSc

Having finished my Bachelor’s last year and the first year of my Master’s at the University of Twente in Chemical Science and Engineering, it is finally time to put the theory into practice. This I will do in the CRN group of Albert, where I will be doing my Master’s Thesis. Here, I will develop a framework for CRNs based on their underlying structures. This framework will then allow for the integration of system/network mathematics, which will aid in the design of synthetic CRNs capable of complex neuromorphic behavior. With close collaboration with Éverton Fernandes da Cunha, we hope to bring together the abstraction of mathematics and the empiricism of chemistry.

MSc Student
Pepijn de Vries BSc

My name is Pepijn. I completed my Bachelor in ‘Chemical Science & Engineering’ at the UT two years ago, after having done my BSc thesis with Albert and Hazal. That project was enjoyable, successful and taught me a lot, so now, during my Master in ‘Molecular & Materials Engineering’, I will work with Albert and Dmitrii to finish my MSc thesis titled “Understanding and Controlling the stability of steady states in an enzymatic reaction network.” I am also very interested in teaching and guiding, which has shaped me into an active Teaching and Learning Assistant in the Bachelor Program!

BSc Student

Supporting staff

N. Haitjema (Nicole)
I. Can - Katalanc (Izabel)
M.A.J. de Bruine (Marcel)
Technical support


In the Molecular NanoFabrication research group (MNF), we collaborate with prof. J. Huskens and Dr. S. Lindhoud, and as part of the department of Molecules and Materials (MOLMAT), we aim to foster an environment to create enthusiasm for synthesis of molecular systems and applications of molecular materials in real-world technology.

In the center for Brain-Inspired Nano Systems (BRAINS), we collaborate with prof. W. v. d. Wiel and prof. H. Hilgekamp and many others from various disciplines (ranging from computer science, artificial intelligence to neuroscience) to develop novel physical hardware for information processing and artificial intelligience. BRAINS is part of the MESA+ institute, which hosts one of Europe’s largest nano facilities. 

Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMFi) offers expertises that go beyond our own MESA+ Nanolab. Togehter collaborators Dr. M. Hirtz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Dr. S. Sekula-Neuner, senior scientist,, we aim establish a strong connection between UT and KIT through demonstrating the applicability of CRNs in biological and material sciences. 





Current position



Salma Ramon Carrasco

PhD candidate at UT, starting from 1-12-2023



Pepijn de Vries

MSc Internship at FlowBeams



Justin Morsink




Dr. Jacopo Movili

PD at Harvard University