UTFacultiesTNWResearchDept BETDBENews & EventsDBE participates in COST proposal building an open European Network on OsteoArthritis financed by the EU

DBE participates in COST proposal building an open European Network on OsteoArthritis financed by the EU Next step in the dream: OsteoArthritis is no longer a chronical disease

DBE participates in COST proposal building an open European Network on OsteoArthritis financed by the EU.

Next step in the dream : OsteoArthritis is no longer a chronical disease 

A description about the proposal can be found at the following website: https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2022/05/oc-2021-1_Approved-Actions-Booklet.pdf  
With patient organisations, researchers and industry we developed this initiative and are selected to implement the Action starting Q3 2022  
We have developed 4 working groups that will contribute the OA challenges on Prevention, Diagnostics, Treatment, Comorbidities & Care management.

The working groups are open participation once we started and organized in the following clusters:

1. Patientengagement and informationprogramme on OsteoArthritis,
2. Speed up translation from bench to bedside,
3. OsteoArthritis Phenotypes, patientstratification and comorbities,
4. Last but not least building a European Society for OsteoArthritis.

Prof. dr. Marcel Karperien
Dept. Developmental BioEngineering
Interdisciplinairy Consortium for Clinical Movement Sciences & Technology (ICMS)
University of Twente
Zuidhorst room ZH143
7522NB Enschede, the Netherlands
Tel: +31 6 10162760
Email: marcel.karperien@utwente.nl

prof.dr. H.B.J. Karperien (Marcel)
Full Professor