Timur Djalilov (B-AT)

My name is Timur Djalilov, I am the third year student of the Bachelor Advanced Technology (B-AT), and I would love to become a member of the faculty council next year. After my first year as a bachelor student, I became very interested in how the university works and would love to pursue a career in research and education. I have always been curious about what it feels like to be part of the university, to educate others, and to see how everything is organized.

In my second year, I joined two educational committees in my study program: the Student Educational Committee, which collects student feedback about the quality of education, and the BOZ. These experiences have taught me a lot about how educational programs are structured and how student feedback is used to make improvements.

By joining the faculty council, I hope to learn even more about how the university operates, including how decisions are made and how policies are developed. I am especially interested in understanding how different departments work together to achieve the university's goals and how the staff maintain high educational standards. Being part of the faculty council will help me see the challenges and opportunities the university faces.

I am committed to contributing positively to the council and offering my perspective as a student. In these difficult times, I am eager to help solve the problems faced by the university and support its mission to provide excellent education and research opportunities. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to serve and learn more about the inner workings of our university.

Best Timur