Melle Fopma (B-CSE)

Dear Reader,

With this letter, I would like to express my interest in joining the Faculty council. I will explain my experiences of last year, why this would make me a fitting member of the council, and what my learning goals are for joining the council.

In the past 4 years, I have been actively involved in student life here. In my third year, I decided to do a board year at C.T.S.G. Alembic, in which I fulfilled the role of chairman. In this role, I became familiar with policy writing, professionalism, and the overall structure of the UT. After an educational year, I took the chance to become the faculty representative of S&T at OS (Overleg Studieverenigingen). This function allowed me to broaden my knowledge of associations from only to Alembic, to all the associations of S&T (and Ockham). Now I am familiar with the associations of this faculty, and their wishes and needs.

However, I have limited experience in the educational side of the faculty. Of course, I have some plain knowledge about the working and structure it, but it is not profound. I am curious to learn about this though. This new learning experience is also one of my main motivations for joining the faculty council.

To conclude, I would like to join the faculty council. Due to my previous board years, have experience with the needs of the students of this faculty. I have committed to these students for the past two years and would like to do so for upcoming years as well. I hope this letter contains enough information about my motivation. If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Melle Fopma