Luka van Houte (B-AT)

Being a student is more than just academics.

As a student, you are presented with so many opportunities. Opportunities to develop yourself, opportunities to practice a new hobby, opportunities to make new friends and lastly opportunities to enrich your lifestyle. Being a student doesn’t simply mean studying, it means making decisions and using the opportunities presented to you, to shape your entire future, professionally but also socially.

Currently, I am a second-year student Advanced Technology and I would describe myself as an active student in- and outside my study. Besides my studies, I do a part-time board year at Integrand, I work at the Grolsch brewery as a tour guide, I am an active member at Cnødde and ASV Taste where I also do multiple big committees, and lastly I am in the campaign committee for DAS. All of these opportunities presented themselves because I am student at the University of Twente and allowed me to develop myself in ways that otherwise wouldn’t have been possible. I want it to be possible for everyone to be as active as they want, to develop themselves in the way that they want do and to have the student life they desire.

In my time in the faculty council I would like to focus on facilitating and improving students’ abilities to combine academics with being an active student outside of academics and making sure that everyone has the student life that they desire with equal opportunities for every student.

Kind regards,
