Bente te Loo (B-TG)

My name is Bente te Loo and I am a first-year student of the study Technical Medicine. Since I started studying here at the UT I have learned so many new things, and I am motivated to learn many more. I think becoming a student member for the Faculty Council would be a great opportunity to implement my skills to make the process of learning and developing better for my peers and to continue this process for myself as well.

Being a first-year student, for me, meant going through a lot of changes and challenges in a very short amount of time. In high school I was an active member of the GSA in which I helped with social matters in the school. Once at the UT, I quickly joined a student association, for which I have one of the main functions in the introduction-period commission. In my studies, I have been actively involved in giving my feedback on certain matters to members of the SVC and I have joined a student panel for their module reflections. This is something that I enjoy doing. I value the conversations with my peers on pros and cons of the way things have been tackled in our education. It broadens my view on the way not only I but also others have experienced the module and how improvements can be made. Becoming a University student and being involved with different aspects of what the ‘student life’ might entail has taught me how important involvement in student matters is.

I am determined to share, discuss and debate perspectives on matters that the Faculty Council discusses. It is important to me that students and their experiences get vocalized as much as possible. Having a hand in improving the quality of education in our faculty of the University we all study at is something I am committed to do my best for. Thank you for considering me and I hope to become a meaningful representative.

Kind Regards,

Bente te Loo