UTFacultiesTNWMSTUT Innovation Vouchers

UT Innovation Vouchers

University of Twente hands out Innovation Voucher to SME’s

The University of Twente has eight SME’s awarded an innovation voucher worth 10,000 euros. The companies will use the voucher for the use of facilities, coaching, training or research in one of seven Expertise Centers of the University.

The University of Twente has 50 innovation vouchers for SMEs available with a total value of 500,000 euros. They are intended to further stimulate collaboration between the knowledge-intensive SMEs and the Centers of Expertise. "It's interesting to see that the international and regional SMEs are interested in starting up the collaboration with the University of Twente," says Miriam Luizink, Director of Strategic Business Development.


On December 3, the first vouchers awarded are handed over in the Thermoplastic Composite Research Center to eight companies: WhiteFox Technologies, BLUE-tec, Sound Energy, Van Wees UD and Crossply Technology BioVolt, Info Topics, DiaBox and EyemergE. WhiteFox and Blue-tec received UT Vouchers for the European Membrane Institute (EMI).

Handing over of the UT Voucher to WhiteFox (not present) and Blue-tec’s Lex van Dijk (right).

BLUE-tec, which is developing a new type of membrane technology, is pleased with the award of the innovation voucher. The company will do this research at the European Membrane Institute of the UT. "We are investigating whether we are able to produce Forward Osmosis membranes and modules based on existing membranes. This allows us to develop an optimal membrane concept at an acceptable price," says director / founder Lex van Dijk of BLUE-tec.


The University of Twente has opened the application for the next round of innovation vouchers. SME’s have until March 31, 2016 the time to submit their Voucher application. To qualify for a voucher of € 10,000, a requirement is that they are a new client of the relevant Center of Expertise. Next to this an own contribution of at least € 2,500 is required.


The vouchers can be used by any of the Centers of Expertise of the University of Twente, e.g. the European Membrane Institute (EMI).

Innovation vouchers are part of the program, Strategic Business Development at the University of Twente, to strengthen the relationship with the business.