UTFacultiesTNWMSTMembrane awards during Euromembrane 2015 for Jordi Moreno and David Vermaas

Membrane awards during Euromembrane 2015 for Jordi Moreno and David Vermaas

During Euromembrane 2015, the largest membrane conference of Europe, two members of our group were awarded for their work. Jordi Moreno, PhD student in our group received one of the three oral presentation awards of the conference for his presentation entitled ‘The Breathing Cell: Smart stack design for reverse electrodialysis. The award involves a grant of 500 euro and a one-year free membership of the European Membrane Society.

Dr. David Vermaas, PhD student of our group, received the Excellence award in Membrane Engineering of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers. This award is granted once in three years for the most outstanding PhD thesis in membrane engineering in the area of process technology during that period. David PhD thesis was also in the field of reverse electrodialysis and entitled ‘Energy generation from mixing salt water and fresh water: Smart flow strategies for reverse electrodialysis’ (http://www.utwente.nl/tnw/mtg/publications/mstpublications/mstthesis/).

If you wish to receive more information about reverse electrodialysis or about the specific work of Jordi and David, please contact Prof. Kitty Nijmeijer (e-mail: d.c.nijmeijer@utwente.nl or phone: +31 53 489 4185).