UTFacultiesTNWMSTThe Hoogendoorn Award 2017 has been awarded to Dr.ir. Sander Haase

The Hoogendoorn Award 2017 has been awarded to Dr.ir. Sander Haase

Sander Haase has been awarded the Hogendoorn award in Fluid Mechanics, for the best thesis of 2017.

Dr. ir. Sander Haase has been selected because of his outstanding PhD research in the area of Fluid Mechanics. He defended his PhD thesis cum laude on 4 November 2016 at the University of Twente under supervision of Professor Rob Lammertink. The title of his PhD thesis is:  Transport near Slippery Interfaces.

See also: https://www.kivi.nl/afdelingen/mechanica/nieuws/artikel/hoogendoorn-award-for-fluid-mechanics-2017