UTFacultiesTNWNewsWill FlexSciLabs win the Dutch Education Prize 2023 of 1.2 Million Euros?

Will FlexSciLabs win the Dutch Education Prize 2023 of 1.2 Million Euros?

As is perhaps already known, and also mentioned in the news article, the project FlexSciLabs by S&T has been nominated for the Dutch Education Prize 2023 by the National Agency for Education Research (NRO).

On June 29th, the Dutch Education Prize will be presented by Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf of the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science, in recognition of educational innovation and improvement. The prize, totalling 7.5 million euros, will be divided among three teams from secondary vocational education (2.5 million euros), three teams from higher vocational education (2.5 million euros) and three teams from scientific education (2.5 million euros). Each of the three teams will receive the following amounts: €1.2 million for first place, €800,000 for second place and €500,000 for third place.

We are incredibly curious to see if FlexSciLabs will win the first prize and we wish Sissi de Beer, Leonie Chapel, Noah van Dijk, Stefan Kooij, Arnoud Onnink, Aernout van Rossum, Jeroen Verschuur, Imre van Veldhoven, Paul Rupert and Herbert Wormeester the best of luck!

In the meantime, watch the video explaining FlexSciLabs: