
The S&T Green Hub is an integral part of the broader Green Hub organisation, dedicated to advancing sustainability throughout the university.

While Green Hub establishes the overarching vision and guidelines, we, the S&T Green Hub, specialise in adapting and implementing sustainable practices within our faculty.


In a unique position, we have direct access to faculty boards, staff, and research groups, making us effective mediators, facilitators, and implementers of sustainability initiatives. Serving as a bridge between the central Green Hub and our faculty, we ensure seamless integration of sustainability goals tailored to our local context.


Our strength lies in crafting tailored sustainability solutions that address our faculty’s specific needs, opportunities, and challenges. Through strong relationships with key stakeholders, we expedite the transformation of sustainable ideas into actionable projects, influencing policy decisions, driving curriculum changes, and shaping a sustainable culture within our academic community.


We're actively promoting sustainability in our faculty and invite collaboration from staff and research groups who share our vision. Through open dialogue, we aim to identify impactful ways to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our academic environment.

If you're part of a staff team or a research group and want to discuss potential collaborations, strategies, or challenges in implementing sustainable practices, we're here to listen and take action.

To facilitate these discussions, we're open to scheduling meetings. Simply email us to set up a time.

Let's pool our resources, knowledge, and enthusiasm to drive our faculty closer to its sustainability goals. We look forward to collaborating and making meaningful changes together.