Publications 2020-2024

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Polarization-resolved near-field characterization of coupling between a bus waveguide and a ring resonator (2024)Results in Optics, 16. Article 100695. Tkachuk, V. V., Korterik, J. P., Chang, L. & Offerhaus, H. L. of a hyperbolic vortex plasma reactor for the removal of aqueous phase micropollutants (2024)Journal of physics D: applied physics, 57(21). Article 215204. Klymenko, R., de Kroon, E., Agostinho, L. L. F., Fuchs, E. C., Woisetschläger, J. & Hoeben, W. F. L. M. Stress Analysis of Thin Film Materials for Fabricating Suspended Low Stress Si3N4 Waveguides on Sapphire (2024)In 2023 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Transducers 2023 (pp. 2086-2089). IEEE. Berenschot, E., Martinussen, S., Wang, K., García-Blanco, S., Tas, N. & Tiggelaar, R. and evaluation of two parallel computational models for the simulation of a long-haul DWDM system limited by FWM (2024)Concurrency and computation, 36(7). Article e7964. Sánchez-Lara, R., López-Martínez, J. L., Trejo-Sánchez, J. A., Offerhaus, H. L. & Álvarez-Chávez, J. A. optical scanning in the near and far field (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Tkachuk, V. Study on the Effect of the External Potential on NiO-Based Photocathodes (2024)ACS applied materials & interfaces, 16(4), 5217-5224. Zhu, K., Einhaus, L. M., Mul, G. & Huijser, A. scale characterization of on-chip coupling mirrors (2024)Optics express, 32(3), 2972-2981. Tkachuk, V. V., Korterik, J. P., Chang, L. & Offerhaus, H. L. beam properties and microfluidic confinement control thermocavitation (2024)Applied physics letters, 124(1). Article 014102. Schoppink, J. J., Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. & Fernandez Rivas, D.


Disentangling Hot Carrier Decay and the Nature of Low-n to High-n Transfer Processes in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Layered Perovskites (2023)The Journal of physical chemistry C, 127(48), 23312-23322. Einhaus, L. M., Zhang, X., Zhu, K., Korterik, J. P., Molenaar, R., Askes, S. H. C., Mul, G., ten Elshof, J. E. & Huijser, A. fiber laser via evanescent field confinement with Al2O3 nanolaminate-coated thinned fiber (2023)Optical Fiber Technology, 81. Article 103533. Montenegro-Orenday, J. A., Castro-Toscano, J. D., Ezrre-González, S., Márquez-Becerra, H., Borbón-Núñez, H. A., Rangel-Rojo, R., Lizárraga-Medina, E. G., Can-Uc, B. A., Tiznado-Vázquez, H. J., Rojas-Laguna, R. & Estudillo Ayala, J. M. optical fiber interrogator-based LiDAR for intravenous drip monitoring (2023)Optical Fiber Technology, 81. Article 103516. Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Baron-Casique, J., Guevara-Hernandez, S. D., Alvarez-Chavez, J. A., Fuentes-Ocampo, L., Mejia-Vega, O. A. & Hernandez-Garcia, J. C. comparison of excitation modes of tuning forks for shear force in probe microscopy (2023)Ultramicroscopy, 253. Article 113772. Tkachuk, V. V., Korterik, J. P. & Offerhaus, H. L. beam properties and microfluidic confinement control thermocavitation (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Schoppink, J. J., Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. & Rivas, D. F. Energy-Dependent Ultrafast Exciton Transfer in Chlorosomes of Chlorobium tepidum and the Role of Supramolecular Dynamics (2023)The Journal of physical chemistry B, 127, 7581−7589. Frehan, S. K., Dsouza, L., Li, X., Eric, V., Jansen, T. L. C., Mul, G., Holzwarth, A. R., Buda, F., Agur Sevink, G. J., de Groot, H. J. M. & Huijser, A. optical fiber sensor with modified sensitivity based on the vernier effect (2023)Instrumentation Science and Technology, 51(4), 421-434. Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Korterik, J. P., Offerhaus, H. L., Rojas-Laguna, R. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. of temperature profiles on Yb3+-doped fiber amplifiers (2023)Optical Fiber Technology, 78. Article 103317. Sanchez-Lara, R., Ceballos-Herrera, D., Vazquez-Avila, J. L., de la Cruz-May, L., Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Offerhaus, H. L. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. of Free-Surface Hyperbolic Water Vortices (2023)Journal of visualized experiments, 2023(197). Article e64516. Klymenko, R., Nanninga, H., de Kroon, E., Agostinho, L. L. F., Fuchs, E. C., Woisetschläger, J. & Hoeben, W. F. L. M. of Glymo on the Morphological and Optical Properties of Eu3+-Doped Lu2SiO5 Films (2023)Coatings, 13(5). Article 915. Cancino-Moreno, A. D., López-Marure, A., Luna-Domínguez, J. H., Morales-Ramírez, Á. D. J., Ortega-Avilés, M., Álvarez-Chávez, J. A. & García-Hernández, M. Pump Power Coupled in Raman Resonator for Maximum Power Delivered at 1115 and 1175 nm (2023)Photonics, 10(5). Article 531. May, L. d. l. C., Beltran, E. M., Benavides, O., Gil, A. F., Pacheco, A. Y. P. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. Laser Sensor Configurations for Refractive Index, Temperature and Strain: A Review (2023)Photonics, 10(5). Article 495. Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Alvarez-Chavez, J. A., Lozano-Hernandez, T., Estudillo-Ayala, J. M., Sierra-Hernandez, J. M. & Offerhaus, H. L. of material parameters on the nonlinear refraction of Transparent Conducting Oxides in the Epsilon-Near-Zero spectral region (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ghobadi, H. modal analysis in micro–nano-optical fiber tapers using spectral parameter power series method and exact modes method (2023)Journal of Computational Electronics, 22(2), 690-697. Castillo-Perez, R., Ek-Ek, J. R., Jacome-Peñaherrera, C. E., Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Sanchez-Lara, R., Offerhaus, H. L. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. the conditions for the optimum nonlinear refraction of epsilon-near-zero films based on transparent conducting oxides (2023)Optics express, 31(5), 8775-8784. Ghobadi, H., Offerhaus, H. L., Alvarez-Chavez, J. A., Morales-Masis, M. & De leon, I. underlying the manuscript: "Quantum simulation of thermodynamics in an integrated quantum photonic processor" (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Correa Anguita, M., Schadow, R., Snijders, H. J., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H. H., Timmerhuis, J., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walsmley, I., Pinkse, P., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J. Optical Fiber flow rate sensor using low cost LiDAR (2023)In Optical Sensors: Proceedings Optica Sensing Congress 2023, AIS, FTS, HISE, Sensors, ES 2023. Article SW3D.7. Optical Society of America. Baron-Casique, J., Guevara-Hernandez, S. D., Alvarez-Chavez, J. A., Mejia-Vega, O. A., Hernandez-Garcia, J. C., Ramirez-Paredes, J. P. & Jauregui-Vazquez, D.


Broadband Nonlinear Optical Response of Indium–Zirconium Oxide in the Epsilon‐Near‐Zero Region (2022)Advanced Optical Materials, 10(24). Article 2201748. Ghobadi, H., Smirnov, Y., Korterik, J. P., Alvarez‐Chavez, J. A., Offerhaus, H. L., Morales‐Masis, M. & De Leon, I. strain reflection-based fiber optic sensor using thin core and standard single-mode fibers (2022)Optics communications, 522. Article 128659. Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Korterik, J. P., Osornio-Martinez, C. E., Estudillo-Ayala, J. M., Offerhaus, H. L. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. Optical Fiber Strain Sensor Using Polarization Maintaining and Thin Core Fibers (2022)IEEE photonics technology letters, 34(21), 1199-1202. Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Korterik, J. P., Offerhaus, H. L., Sierra-Hernandez, J. M. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. source, mems optical switch, sensor and methods for manufacturing the same (2022)[Patent › Patent]. Berenschot, J. W., Garcia Blanco, S. M., Martinussen, S., Tas, N. R. & Tiggelaar, R. M.Investigation of the effect of sustainable magnetic treatment on the microbiological communities in drinking water (2022)Environmental Research, 213. Article 113638. Liu, X., Pollner, B., Paulitsch-Fuchs, A. H., Fuchs, E. C., Dyer, N. P., Loiskandl, W. & Lass-Flörl, C. Net-gain Characterization of Monolithically Integrated Waveguide Amplifiers (2022)In 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Mu, J., Dijkstra, M. & García-Blanco, S. Visualization of Dual Injection in Supersonic Cross Flow (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 2nd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science Technology. Smink, J. S., de Maag, S., Lerink, C. W., Giskes, E., Hoeijmakers, H. W., Venner, C. H., Segerink, F. B. & Offerhaus, H. L.Towards integrated surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of anionic pollutants in water (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Muñoz Galindo, P. sensor (2022)[Patent › Patent]. Mitjans Prat, F., Padilla García, L., Kozyreff, G., Acharyya, N., de Goede, M., Chang, L., Dijkstra, M., García Blanco, S. M., Ramón-azcón, J., Obregón Núñez, R., Martínez Fraiz, E., Toudert, J., MARTORELL PENA, J., Brankovic, V., Mihajlovic, V., PARAUSIC, M. & TASOVAC, D.Crack barriers for thick SiN using dicing (2022)Optics express, 30(10), 16725-16733. Grootes, R. M., Dijkstra, M., Klaver, Y., Marpaung, D. & Offerhaus, H. L. printed on-chip parabolic mirror for chip-to-fiber and chip-to-chip coupling (2022)In ECIO 2022: 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics: 4th May - 6th May, Milan, Italy (pp. 324-326). Politecnico di Milano. Kong, Y., Offerhaus, H. L., Dijkstra, M., García Blanco, S. M. & Chang, L.Fabrication and characterization of symmetric Au-nanostructures with SERS activity: (Student paper) (2022)In ECIO 2022: 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics: 4th May - 6th May, Milan, Italy (pp. 54-56). Politecnico di Milano. Lafuente, M., Berenschot, E. J. W., Tiggelaar, R. M., Susarrey Arce, A., Mallada, R., Pina, M. P., García Blanco, S. M. & Tas, N. R.Low-stress Si3N4 waveguides on sapphire substrate: (Student paper) (2022)In ECIO 2022: 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics: 4th May - 6th May, Milan, Italy (pp. 54-56). Politecnico di Milano. Wang, K., Berenschot, E. J. W., Dijkstra, M., Tiggelaar, R. M., Martinussen, S. M., Chang, L., Hendriks, W. A. P. M., Borgelink, B. T. H., Frentrop, R. N., García Blanco, S. M., Tas, N. R. & Tkachuk, V. V.Data underlying the article: Crack barriers for thick SiN using dicing in Optics Express (2022)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Offerhaus, H., Grootes, R., Dijkstra, M., Klaver, Y. & Marpaung, D. refractive index contrast optical waveguides in swift heavy ion irradiated KY(WO4)2 (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Frentrop, R. N. 1×4 Silicon Photonic ROADM based on a Monolithic Integrated Erbium Doped Waveguide Amplifier on a Si3N4 platform (2022)Journal of lightwave technology, 40(6), 1718 - 1725. Vagionas, C., Tsakyridis, A., Chrysostomidis, T., Roumpos, I., Fotiadis, K., Manolis, A., Mu, J., Dijkstra, M., Garcia Blanco, S. M., Oldenbeuving, R. M., Van Dijk, P. W. L., Roeloffzen, C. G. H., Vyrsokinos, K., Pleros, N. & Alexoudi, T. loss measurements in sputter coated titanium oxide waveguides (2022)In Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVI. Article 1200403 (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 12004). SPIE. Aguirre Fontenla, A., Hegeman, I., Hendriks, W. A. P. M., Osornio-Martínez, C. E., Dijkstra, M. & García-Blanco, S. M. Impeller-Based Aeration of Groundwater (2022)Water, 14(5), 795. Article 795. van de Griend, M. V., Warrener, F., van den Akker, M., Song, Y., Fuchs, E. C., Loiskandl, W. & Agostinho, L. L. F. tapered optical fiber for simultaneous detection of curvature and strain (2022)Optical Fiber Technology, 69. Article 102843. Ek-Ek, J. R., Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Korterik, J. P., Benedictus, M., Martinez-Pinon, F., Offerhaus, H. L. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. Oxygen Volumetric Mass Transfer in a Geometrically Constrained Vortex (2022)Water, 14(5). Article 771. Agostinho, L. L. F., Pecnik, R., Woisetschläger, J., de Kroon, E., Şişcanu, N., van de Griend, M. V., Loiskandl, W. & Fuchs, E. C. Gbps WDM Transmission Through an Al2O3:Er3+ Waveguide Amplifier (2022)Journal of lightwave technology, 40(3), 735-743. Chrysostomidis, T., Roumpos, I., Fotiadis, K., Mu, J., Manolis, A., Vagionas, C., Dijkstra, M., Garcia Blanco, S. M., Alexoudi, T. & Vyrsokinos, K. microring resonators for the detection of interleukin-6 (2022)In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, GFP 2021 - Proceedings (IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics GFP; Vol. 2021-December). IEEE. Hendriks, W., Dijkstra, M., Korterik, J. & Blanco, S. G. reactive sputter deposited titanium oxide waveguides (2022)In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, GFP 2021 - Proceedings (IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics GFP; Vol. 2021-December). IEEE. Aguirre-Fontenla, A., Hegeman, I., Hendriks, W. A. P. M., Dijkstra, M. & Blanco, S. M. G. Thin Core Optical Fiber Strain Sensing Setup (2022)In Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides and Materials, BGPP 2022. Article JTu2A.6. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Korterik, J. P., Estudillo-Ayal, J., Offerhaus, H. L. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. Properties and Nonlinear Optical Response of Zirconium-doped Indium Oxide in the Epsilon-Near-Zero Region (2022)In Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2022. Article NpTu4F.6 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Ghobadi, H., Smirnov, Y., Korterik, J. P., Alvarez-Chavez, J. A., Offerhaus, H. L., Morales-Masis, M. & De Leon, I. properties of highly-crystalline tin-doped indium oxide films in their near-zero permittivity spectral region (2022)Optical materials express, 12(1), 96-108. Ghobadi, H., Smirnov, Y., Offerhaus, H. L., Alvarez-chavez, J. A., Morales-Masis, M. & De Leon, I. chip based biosensing system with fully automatic alignment and parallel detection capability (2022)In ECIO 2022: 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics: 4th May - 6th May, Milan, Italy (pp. 95-97). Politecnico di Milano. Chang, L., Hendriks, W. A. P. M., Hegeman, I., Frentrop, R. N., Dijkstra, M., Korterik, J. P., Schilder, N. A., Seubers, H. A. & García Blanco, S. M.Spectral Parameter Power Series and Exact Modes: Analysis for Micro- and -Nano Optical Fiber Tapers (2022)In Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides and Materials, BGPP 2022. Article JTu2A.27 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Castillo-Pérez, R., Ek-Ek, J. R., Jácome-Peñaherrera, C. E., Pérez-Sanchez, G. G., Jáuregui-Vazquez, D., Offerhaus, H. L. & Álvarez-Chávez, J. A.Towards broadband optical wafer-level testing system with on-chip micro-parabolic mirror (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 26th annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter 2022. Kong, Y., Offerhaus, H. L., Dijkstra, M. & García Blanco, S. M.


Gain simulation of erbium-doped Al2O3 waveguide amplifiers for LiDAR applications (2021)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 25th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter 2021. Osornio Martinez, C. E., Coulaud, Q., Canat, G. & García Blanco, S. M.High-temperature recrystallization effects in swift heavy ion irradiated KY(WO4)2 (2021)Journal of Applied Physics, 130(18). Article 185109. Frentrop, R. N., Tormo-marquez, V., Segerink, F. B., Pujol, M. C., Olivares, J. & García Blanco, S. M.×40 Gbps WDM amplification in a monolithically integrated Al2O3:Er3+-Si3N4waveguide amplifier (2021)IEEE photonics technology letters, 33(21), 1177-1180. Chrysostomidis, T., Mu, J., Roumpos, I., Fotiadis, K., Manolis, A., Vagionas, C., Dijkstra, M., Garcia-Blanco, S. M., Alexoudi, T. & Vyrsokinos, K. of three types of fiber optic sensors for temperature monitoring in a groundwater flow simulator (2021)Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 331. Article 112682. Drusová, S., Bakx, W., Doornenbal, P. J., Wagterveld, R. M., Bense, V. F. & Offerhaus, H. L. Gb/s WDM Transmission in Monolithically Integrated Al2O3:Er3+Spiral Amplifier on Si3N4 (2021)In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings. IEEE. Chrysostomidis, T., Roumpos, I., Fotiadis, K., Mu, J., Manolis, A., Vagionas, C., DIjkstra, M., García Blanco, S. M., Vyrsokinos, K. & Alexoudi, T. Cells via Enzymatic Oxidative Crosslinking Enables Mechanotransduction in Non-Cell-Adhesive Materials (2021)Advanced materials, 33(42). Article 2102660. Kamperman, T., Henke, S., Crispim, J. F., Willemen, N. G. A., Dijkstra, P. J., Lee, W., Offerhaus, H. L., Neubauer, M., Smink, A. M., de Vos, P., de Haan, B. J., Karperien, M., Ryon Shin, S. & Leijten, J. the Mechanisms of Beneficial Cu-Doping of NiO-Based Photocathodes (2021)The Journal of physical chemistry C, 125(29), 16049-16058. Zhu, K., Frehan, S. K., Jaros, A., O'Neill, D. B., Korterik, J. P., Wenderich, K., Mul, G. & Huijser, A. Silicon Photonic ROADM based on a Si3N4platform and a Monolithically Integrated Erbium Doped Amplifier (2021)In 2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2021 - Proceedings. Article 9489625. IEEE. Vagionas, C., Tsakyridis, A., Chrysostomidis, T., Roumpos, I., Fotiadis, K., Manolis, A., Mu, J., Dijkstra, M., Blanco, S. G., Oldenbeuving, R. M., van Dijk, P. W. L., Roeloffzen, C. G. H., Vyrsokinos, K., Pleros, N. & Alexoudi, T. of intercore crosstalk of WDM channels around zero-dispersion wavelength in homogeneous multicore fibers (2021)Optical engineering, 60(7). Article 076107. López-coyote, M., Ceballos-herrera, D. E., Gutiérrez-castrejón, R., Offerhaus, H. L. & Álvarez-Chávez, J. A. thick, etch deep: Novel waveguide geometries and material systems for integrated photonics (2021)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Martinussen, S. M. Unit Blistering as Early Event in MS Normal Appearing White Matter (2021)Annals of Neurology, 89(4), 711-725. Luchicchi, A., Hart, B., Frigerio, I., van Dam, A. M., Perna, L., Offerhaus, H. L., Stys, P. K., Schenk, G. J. & Geurts, J. J. G. Simulation of a Multi-Span DWDM System Limited by FWM Using OpenMP and Dynamic Parallelism in CUDA (2021)[Working paper › Working paper]. Preprints. Sanchez-Lara, R., Lopez-Martinez, J. L., Trejo-Sanchez, J. A., Offerhaus, H. L. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. Guidance, Multi-index and Exact Mode Eigenvalue Calculation for Mode Intensity Profiles in Tapers (2021)Journal of physics: Conference series, 1723(1). Article 012004. Ek-Ek, R., Martinez-Pinon, F., Pérez-Sánchez, G. G., Offerhaus, H. L. & Alvarez Chavez, J. A. low-loss aluminium oxide waveguides (2021)In Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXV. Article 116890Z (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 11689). SPIE. Hendriks, W. A. P. M., Dijkstra, M., Hegeman, I., Segerink, F. B., Keim, E. G., Dikkers, M. J. & Garciá-Blanco, S. M. Bioinspired Strategy for Directional Charge Propagation in Photoelectrochemical Devices Using Supramolecular Machinery (2021)[Working paper › Preprint]. Bouwens, T., Bakker, T., Zhu, K., Hasenack, J., Dieperink, M., Brouwer, A. M., Huijser, A., Mathew, S. & Reek, J. N. H. co-creation of assessment criteria (2021)In Meaningful Assessment in Interdisciplinary Education (pp. 129-134). Amsterdam University Press. Wilhelm, P. & Alvarez Chavez, J. A. microring laser cavity sensor (2021)Optics express, 29(2), 1371-1383. Chang, L., Goede, M. d., Dijkstra, M., van Emmerik, C. I. & García-Blanco, S. M. in a microring resonator for self-referenced biosensing (2021)Optics express, 29(1), 346-358. de Goede, M., Dijkstra, M., Chang, L., Acharyya, N., Kozyreff, G., Obregón, R., Martínez, E. & García-Blanco, S. M. Gb/s WDM transmission in monolithically integrated Al2O3:Er3+ spiral amplifier on Si3N4 (2021)In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO:S and I 2021. Article SW2C.3. The Optical Society. Chrysostomidis, T., Roumpos, I., Fotiadis, K., Mu, J., Manolis, A., Vagionas, C., Dijkstra, M., Garcia Blanco, S. M., Vyrsokinos, K. & Alexoudi, T. on a microchip: A glimpse into the future of optical coherence tomography (2021)Progress in Optics, 66, 1-34. Akca, B. I., Chang, L. & Yurtsever, G. silicon photonic ROADM based on a Si3N4 platform and a monolithically integrated Erbium Doped Amplifier (2021)In Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OFC 2021. Article 9489625. The Optical Society. Vagionas, C., Tsakyridis, A., Chrysostomidis, T., Roumpos, I., Fotiadis, K., Manolis, A., Mu, J., Dijkstra, M., Blanco, S. M. G., Oldenbeuving, R. M., van Dijk, P. W. L., Roeloffzen, C. G. H., Vyrsokinos, K., Pleros, N. & Alexoudi, T. ion doped Al2O3 for active integrated photonics (2021)Advances in Physics: X, 6(1). Article 1833753. Hendriks, W. A. P. M., Chang, L., Van Emmerik, C. I., Mu, J., De Goede, M., Dijkstra, M. & Garcia-blanco, S. M.


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