UTAbout TDSThe Board

The Board

Chairman: Aditya Bansal

I am the chairman of the TDS Board and study Bachelor's in Industrial Engineering and Management. My role is to ensure the smooth functioning of the association and lead the board in coming up with new strategies to grow the association. I am always super excited to welcome new members to our society. 

Secretary: Tymur Astashov

I’m a first-year Business&IT student and also an honours student at the University of Twente. My mission is to provide support to every member of the association when needed! You can reach me by sending an email to the official email address.

Treasurer: Viktoriia Konashchuk

As Treasurer, I keep track of the TDS finances. Yet I am happy that the position in TDS does not limits the involvement fields, which means I also take part in strategizing and workshop giving. My aim for this board year is to make TDS a sustainable association.

Public Affairs: Claire Lesieur

I am responsible for Public Affairs which means that most of the time, I am the one communicating with you on social media. I am doing a Master in European Studies and am a passionate debater! I am lucky to have lived in several different countries which forced me to confront views and shape my critical thinking. These are qualities that I am trying to put forward when participating in our debate evenings.