UTParticipationURaadElections 2023What are the Faculty Council?

Faculty Councils

The faculty councils are the decentralized consultative participation bodies within the University. They represent the employees and students in the faculties. The FC's consists of staff members who are elected for two years, and student members, who are elected for one year. These councils give solicited or unsolicited advice to the Faculty Board's on all matters relevant for the Faculty, its personnel and/or students. Also, the faculty councils have the right of approval and the right to issue advice on all sorts of topics relevant to the faculties.

In this Council you will discuss for instance the faculty regulations, the faculty policy plan, the Education and Examination Regulations (which also include the teaching programmes), faculty budgets, the educational policy, housing and services policy and information policy. The personnel section of the council has specific advice rights according personnel matters. If more than one faculty is involved in a decision, such as a major reorganization, the right of participation is with the University Council.

For more information go to the websites of the faculty councils: