Criteria & Registration

Your donation counts, every year again!

Registration for the Van den Kroonenberg Prize is not possible. If you know someone who could qualify for the prize, or if you think you qualify for the prize yourself, please contact the director of the University Fund, Mr. Maurice Essers ( .

The Twente University Fund Foundation annually awards an entrepreneurial prize, the Van den Kroonenberg Prize, amounting to € 5,000. The prize is not awarded to a company but to an entrepreneur. The person who has founded a company and/or who is active as a driving force in the company, in whatever legal form, is regarded as such.

The starting point is a longlist of companies that is monitored annually by the Grants Advisory Committee. This list is supplemented every year with suggestions from various parties, such as the scientific institutes of the UT, NovelT and others. The criteria that are used have to do with the bond that exists between the entrepreneur and the UT, the innovativeness of the products and services provided, and in particular also proven technical and economic viability and future prospects. Based on these criteria, a shortlist is drawn up containing five entrepreneurs or companies. These are all visited by members of the Awarding Advisory Committee and on the basis of this, the committee makes a nomination for the winner to the Board of the University Fund. The board of the university fund ultimately awards the prize.

Award criteria

Adopted November 2023

  1. The company must be established in the Netherlands.
  2. There must be a demonstrable link*) between the company or entrepreneur and the University of Twente.
  3. The entrepreneur must have proven that the company is technically and economically viable.
  4. The company must be based on a clear business plan and the product - including services - must be modern.
  5. The company makes a positive contribution ('impact') to society.
  6. Originality is not a required criterion for the award, but it can be taken into account.
  7. In the award proposal, the award advisory committee may include other criteria in addition to the criteria mentioned here, provided that their use is justified.

*) Ties with the UT may have their origins in the past, because the entrepreneur graduated from the UT or worked there, but may also have been formed through structural cooperation between the entrepreneur and the UT.