Who is Mr. J.L.M. Niers

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Mr. J.L.M. Niers was Queen's Commissioner (CdK) from May 15 1972 to July 1 1988. A born and raised ‘Tukker’, Niers was a teacher and lawyer in Hengelo and politically active as a KVP/CDA councilor, member of parliament and senator. He was the first deputy for the province to become Queen's Commissioner in his own province. At his request, upon his retirement as CdK, a fund was established to finance the endowed chair of Neuromuscular Control at the University of Twente. This chair was set up in collaboration with the rehabilitation center Het Roessingh in Enschede and placed with the Twente University Fund. In 2021, the Niers Fund has decided to convert the annual contribution to the chair into an eHealth Voucher to be awarded annually.