UTUT-KringArchiveActivities20242 May: Jesus Christ Superstar the Rockmusical

2 May: Jesus Christ Superstar the Rockmusical

Jesus Christ Superstar @ DeLaMar Theater - Wim Sonneveld zaal | Amsterdam -  Wed., 07-02-2024

Experience the impressive Rock musical Jesus Christ Superstar at the Wilminktheater on 2 May, 2024.

Impressive rock musical Jesus Christ Superstar already the theatrical experience of 2024 - Unparalleled, pure and raw!

As a UT-Kring member, you can enjoy this performance for a special price of €25 per person.  20 seats and 10 stage places are reserved for UT-Kring members.

This musical is entirelly English. The duration of Jesus Christ Superstar is 100 minutes with no break.

For tickets please contact: f.a.vandijk@utwente.nl 

Location: Pay Zaal in the Wilmink Theater. For more information go to this website