UTYoung AcademyNewsWe are looking for new YA@UT members

We are looking for new YA@UT members

The YA@UT is looking for new members.

The YA@UT is a platform for young excellent researchers and teachers who are employed by the University of Twente. Our YA@UT members represent a wide range of scientific fields and UT Faculties. Members meet four to six times a year to discuss how we can translate our mission of be ambassadors of scientific excellence, to support talent, and to provide advice to University of Twente regarding education, research and valorisation.

Members of YA@UT are asked to consider strategic issues to the university and respond with solicited and unsolicited advice to the UT Executive Board and the University Management Team. Members of the group are in a unique position to serve as a “check and balance” system to the university, by providing critical and innovative input. YA@UT members also actively communicate science to the general public, and work closely with the UT Communication &PR team.

The University of Twente is committed to creating an inspiring environment for young scientists, who are at the beginning of a promising academic career, and offer them the opportunity to reach their full potential by actively shaping the UT. For this purpose, the YA@UT was established in 2011, following the example of the Young Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences. To become a member, you have to be excellent in research/education/impact on society in the broadest sense. It is important that you can motivate in which way you are excellent in your work. We find it important to have a gender and faculty equal distribution of members. Our aim is to include the most talented, young researchers and teachers in the Young Academy of the University of Twente.

Membership lasts for four years. New members have received their PhD degree less than 10 years ago (extended by a maximum of 18 months for parenthood or for health reasons). While we hope that you are interested, we would like to emphasize that all members are expected to make an active contribution. We would like to hear from you if you are interested in becoming a member, and join us in shaping an excellent UT. If you are, please send us a brief statement why you would like to become a member and on what (broad) issues you would like to work as YA@UT member and a 2 page CV.

For more information about the YA@UT please take a look at https://www.utwente.nl/en/young-academy/ or contact one of the board members of YA@UT. For information about the YA@UT regulations take a look at: https://www.utwente.nl/en/young-academy/more-about-ja/documents/youngacademyUTregulations.pdf

The board of YA@UT,

Wieteke Willemen, Jurnan Schilder and Jeroen Rouwkema.