Contact & opening hours

The Vrijhof is home to the University of Twente library. The study facilities and service desk located on the second floor of the building are open to students and staff of all faculties of the University of Twente. Other visitors are welcome with a valid library card.

  • Contact

    The University Library service desk is located at the entrance of the library in the Vrijhof. Contact staff members via email, phone or WhatsApp.

    • Email: 
    • Telephone: +31 (0)53 - 489 2777
    • WhatsApp: +31 (0)6 39 458 713 (only during opening hours, no calls please)

    For education and research related matters, please contact the specialists in your faculty.

  • Opening hours


    • Monday to Friday: 8:30 - 23:30
    • Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 - 20:00


    • 2024 (Jul - Sep)

      Mon-Fri 22-26 July:

      8:30 - 20.00

      Sat-Sun 27-28 July:


      Mon 29 July - Fri 2 August:

      8:30 - 20:00

      Sat-Sun 3-4 August:


      Mon-Fri 5-9 August

      8:30 - 20:00

      Sat-Sun 10-11 August:


      Mon-Fri 12-16 August:

      8:30 - 20:00

      Sat-Sun 17-18 August:


  • Visiting address

    Library University of Twente
    Vrijhof Building
    De Veldmaat 5
    7522 NM Enschede
    The Netherlands

    Location in MazeMap

  • Langezijds (ITC open stacks)


    The ITC Library service desk is located on the first floor of the Langezijds building, room 2212. For information and help, feel free to visit the service desk or contact the information specialists or library student assistants via email or phone. 

    For education and research-related matters, please contact the specialists in your faculty.

    Opening hours

    The library is an open area and, therefore, open during building opening hours on workdays.

    Visiting address

    ITC Library
    Langezijds Building - Room 2212 (first floor)
    Hallenweg 8
    7522 NH Enschede
    The Netherlands

    Location in MazeMap

  • Educafés

    Compulsory literature for study programmes can be found at the Vrijhof and at the Educafés.

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