Moira's ervaring

Studiekeuze gemaakt?

Five questions for Moira Deuker, first year student Management, Society & Technology (MS&T)

About Moira:
- 19 years
- Profile in high school: Economy & Politics.
- Likes cooking, dancing and travelling.

How do you like studying MS&T in Enschede?

What I really appreciate, is that MS&T is multifaceted. It combines so many aspects: politics, development of policies, sociology, history and economy. Aspects that are all very important to understand what is going on in Europe. I did not really know what to expect beforehand, as it is a unique study programme. I also really like that the programme is taught in English: this matches the contents of the programme, since it is largely about international issues and relations.

How does technology play a role in your study?

For MS&T you do not need technical skills to develop a certain technology. But we do look at the way technology is influencing our society and analyze how this impacts policy processes all over the world. For example in the project of our first module, the objective was to analyze a cybersecurity problem, taking technology into account as an aspect of modern society that makes the world more vulnerable for attacks such as hacking. I think it is very important for any public administration study to learn how to deal with this strong influence of technology.

MS&T student Moira

What I really appreciate, is that MS&T is multifaceted. It combines so many aspects: politics, development of policies, sociology, history and economy.

MS&T student Moira

What is the value of this bachelor for society?

This study programme teaches us how policies are formed step by step and how the most important influences on society are integrated in the process. By gaining this knowledge and skills, we as students might become the ones making an important difference on the world.

What kind of job do you see yourself doing after your study? Which career prospects of MS&T appeal to you?

I do not know yet what exactly I want to do after I’ve finished my study. I think it might be very interesting to become an advisor for e.g. the national government, or to play a role in international processes by advising the European Parliament. Another option would be to become a journalist or work for a private international company as a consultant.

Why did you choose for Management, Society & Technology at the University of Twente?

I chose the study because I like the educational system at the University of Twente that gives everyone the possibility to develop in their own way. I enjoy working in project groups on hands-on problems. Already I gained important experiences, like how a group works most efficient and how much a “good” group is worth.  

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