Which AI solution is able to solve problems in education? This was the question on 8, 9 & 10 November 2023 for 11 teams during the Hackathon AI in education. This is the second year that we organized a Hackaton AI, which is initiated by the #AIDE network.

We invited all the teams, to attend to our keynotes on 8 & 9 November and to work on their inspiring cases at the DesignLab University of Twente with the help of JEDI’s. These where the participating teams and the cases they worked on:

On Friday 10 November, the teams presented their ideas parallel to two knowledgeable jury’s: Bernard Veldkamp (UT-BMS), Jan Jaap Vroom (MBO raad), Tjeerd Hans Terpstra (CITO), Bertine van Deyzen (SURF), Bram Enning (Npuls) and Esther Ventura-Medina (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven).

After thorough jury deliberation, the two winners were announced.

The first winning team: University Twente & University of Bremen. They worked on automated feedback on instructional videos. In teacher training, for example students often have to hand in videos explaining a certain topic to their students. Teacher trainers need to watch all these videos and provide feedback, for example on the use of multimodal principles and the quality of instruction. They were able to develop a proof of concept with the help of #ChatGPT4 and ended up with a tool that worked.

The second winners where one the two participating teams of Saxion. They put the motto of Saxion ‘Get ready for a smart world' in shape with their AI tool sAxI: a 24/7 personal and empathic study coach to help Saxion students find specific answers to their specific questions, based on open data from Saxion in a Large Language Model (LLM).

We want to congratulate the winners once again and thank all the participants for the great energy, effort, and collaboration! Hope to see you in a new edition of the HAckaton AI by the #AIDE network!

This Hackaton is organised by: University of Twente, in association with AID-E network, DSI (sponsor) ,CEE (sponsor), LISAPre-UPro-UTELTDesignLabvakgroep CODE & vakgroep ELAN 


  • Talitha Visser - 8 november 2023


    The winning idea during the Hackaton AI 2022 involved the development of a tool to support the preparation of reaction equations for the subject of chemistry. This tool is intended for secondary school students and teachers and uses AI technology to recognize handwritten reaction equations and assess them for correctness. Setting up correct reaction equations is crucial for chemical calculations and some students have great difficulty with this. The tool provides concrete feedback and tips for improving reaction equations and helps students in their learning process.

    The idea is currently being developed by students in the Department of Data Management & Biometrics. They will develop and optimize the AI technology behind the tool so that it is able to recognize and assess handwritten reaction equations. It is great to see that the idea will really take shape and be developed further.

    Who? Talitha Visser, chemistry subject teacher

    Organization: University of Twente

  • Maurice van Keulen - 8 November 2023
  • Bertine van Deyzen - 9 November 2023


    Last year's AI hype accelerated AI applications in education. This lecture will explain where the hype came from and why AI is such a fraught topic. Examples of current AI applications in education, the latest promising research and a glimpse into the future will be given.

    Who? Bertine van Deyzen

    Organization: SURF

  • Inge Molenaar - 9 November 2023


    There are many scenarios in which artificial intelligence (AI) can improve student learning and teacher teaching. This lecture will introduce you to hybrid intelligence. Technology can do things that humans cannot; the other way around is equally true. Teachers can do a lot that technology cannot. The trick is finding the ideal collaboration. Within NOLAI, we distinguish six levels in this: from education provided entirely by teachers to fully automated education. Here AI has three core functions in education: detecting information, interpreting information and/or acting on information. Several real-world examples provide a picture of the future of AI in education. Inspiration guaranteed! Finally, we would like to enter into a conversation with you. What opportunities and challenges do you see for education in the Netherlands? And what could that mean for the innovation of your school? In conversation we discover it step by step together.

    Who? Inge Molenaar

    Organization: NOLAI Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an activity in which participants work non-stop on a specific case within a short period of time.  Prior knowledge of Artificial Intelligence is preferred but not required to participate; there are experts (Jedi's) available to support the participating teams. Additionally, all participants are asked to undergo online professional development prior to the event.

We invited teachers, school leaders, managers, students, learners, and other interested individuals to form teams of 6-8 people and work on a problem in education for three days (November 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2023). Guided by the Jedi, the teams developed their own AI application for the chosen case. On November 10th, all teams presented their solutions to an expert jury, who evaluated the presentations and ultimately select the winner(s).

This hackaton is organized within the proeftuin AI, which has been designed by the "zone faciliteren en professionaliseren" from the Versnellingsplan Onderwijsinnovatie with ICT. 


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Want to know more about AI?

"The term 'Artificial Intelligence' (AI) was introduced in 1956 by scientist John McCarthy. He defined AI as 'the science and engineering of creating intelligent machines.' In our society, there is an increasing availability of data. This data, combined with the growing computational power of computers and academic breakthroughs, has led to significant advancements in the field of AI. With the help of AI, we can discover patterns in large amounts of data that mimic human thinking and rational reasoning. This includes the ability to generalize, argue, interpret, and learn from the past.

AI also offers many possibilities for education. It can be used in scheduling, service processes, improving equal opportunities, enhancing knowledge assessment, facilitating location- and time-independent (lifelong) learning, and ensuring quality.

Want to learn more about Artificial Intelligence? Take a look at this article:


The Hackathon is organized by the University of Twente in collaboration with AID-E networkCELTLISAPre-UPro-UTELTvakgroep CODE & vakgroep ELAN.  Special thanks to our sponsors CEE and DSI for their generous support! CEE & DSI!