Week of Inspiration 11/2019


Every year the University of Twente offers a Week of Inspiration, just before the anniversary – the Dies – of the UT. During this week speakers of national and international fame talk about their fields of expertise. Everybody is welcome at these free events: students, non-students, people from Twente or abroad. Please register in advance via the link below each program. Get inspired and visit the Week of Inspiration 2019!

See our complete program at the link: www.utwente.nl/weekofinspiration

Get inspired and visit the Week of Inspiration 2019!

Geen resultaten met de gekozen filters
Nov 2019
22/11 - Designing a Constitution for the 21st Century

Constitutions of states are often centuries old and have hardly been updated. The aim of this event is to design a constitution from scratch. Thereby taking into account what we have learned from the past, but also new technological developments. What will be the role of technical experts next to politicians? Do we need a parliament or can we control decision-makers by using apps? How do we guarantee citizen’s values when technology allows governments and businesses to know a lot about us? Are rights and duties for human beings only, or also for robots or even algorithms?

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Nov 2019
Nov 2019
25/11 - Inspiration from Light and Science

This autumn Dutch artist Philip Vermeulen moves into the DesignLab of the UT as artist in residence. During his stay he will be snooping around the UT-labs, looking for inspiration for his artworks. Together with staff and students he tries to make a light sculpture which will be exhibited during this interview. Vermeulen is fascinated by science and technology and creates large-scale installations in which he manipulates light, sound and movement in order to alter our psychological states. 

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Nov 2019
Nov 2019
25/11 - Peter Buwalda over het studentenleven

Otmars zonen is de tweede roman van Peter Buwalda, succesvol auteur van Bonita Avenue en vroeger redacteur van U-Today. Het is een lijvig boek dat in 2019 uitkwam en deels speelt in Enschede en op de campus van de Universiteit Twente. De UT heet zowel in Bonita Avenue als Otmars zonen Tubantia University met rector Siem Sigerius aan het roer. Beide boeken kregen veel prijzen, ook internationaal. Een interview met Peter Buwalda over het Enschedese studentenleven. Ontgroeningen, tennisclub Ludica of te snel klaarkomen.

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Nov 2019
Nov 2019
26/11 - Dutch Identity: from Milk to Drugs

Who are the Dutch? Is it the Calvinistic religion, the drive for trade, the need to compromise with other nationalities or the threatening sea that defines their character? In this lecture political, social and cultural angles will merge together, with an emphasis on the ethical aspects. The focus will be on the last decades. From milkmaid Antje to the liberal opinion about soft drugs.

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Nov 2019
Nov 2019
26/11 - Peter Kuipers Munneke about melting ice sheets - CANCELLED

In the last few decades, the vast ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica have started to lose more and more ice. It could be the start of a long process in which large parts of the ice sheets will ultimately disappear due to rising temperatures on Earth. It would lead to multi-metre sea level rise worldwide. But how fast? And by how much? Kuipers Munneke will show that, in order to understand the present and future behaviour of the ice sheets, we rely heavily on ever better satellites and ever faster computers.

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Nov 2019
Nov 2019
27/11 - Imaging a Black Hole

Heino Falcke dives deep into the wondrous world of black holes and explains how he – together with his colleagues of the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration – managed to take the first official image of a black hole. As a camera they used eight radio telescopes spread around the world. How does this telescope as large as the Earth work? And what does the first real image of a black hole teach us about the physics at the mysterious event horizon? What are the next steps after this discovery? 

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Nov 2019
Nov 2019
27/11 - Heart on A Chip

Scientists are now able to reprogram any cell of the human body into pluripotent stem cells. This creates many possibilities for biomedical research because these stem cells can be turned into many other cell types sensitive to disease or drugs that are not normally accessible through tissue donation. Christine Mummery succeeded in growing these stem cells into heart- and vessels ‘on-a-chip’. In this way she has shown medicines can be safely tested outside the human body, opening up a world of personalized medicine.

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Nov 2019
Nov 2019
28/11 - Health: A Matter of Definition?

Being healthy is a state of complete well-being, physically, mentally and socially, according to the World Health Organization. But who is healthy then? Machteld Huber introduced a new concept in which a healthy person is one who is increasingly able to deal with the challenges in these domains. Resilience is essential and can be developed. We live longer, so we have to learn to cope with chronic diseases. Too often the perspective of the patient and his psychological strength are underestimated. This dynamic concept of health is internationally acknowledged and might bring the cost of healthcare down. 

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Nov 2019
Nov 2019
28/11 - Overcoming Fears of Failure

You have to pass an exam, to deliver a speech or to be the best…and suddenly you are overwhelmed by anxiety. A huge fear that you will fail. That you will not live up to expectations, whether they are your own or those of other people. Psychiatrist dr. Esther van Fenema knows all about it. She started a special centre for musicians who are afraid to perform on stage, also frequented by CEO’s and top sporters. In her opinion young people are more prone to stress and less able to cope with setbacks. Everybody has to be perfect these days. She suggests simple rules to improve your mental health: sleep and eat well, be prudent with drugs, do some physical exercise.

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Nov 2019