Inspiration from Light and Science

This autumn Dutch artist Philip Vermeulen moves into the DesignLab of the UT as artist in residence. During his stay he will be snooping around the UT-labs, looking for inspiration for his artworks. Together with staff and students he tries to make a light sculpture which will be exhibited during this interview. Vermeulen is fascinated by science and technology and creates large-scale installations in which he manipulates light, sound and movement in order to alter our psychological states. 

Interview by: Sabine Wildevuur, director of DesignLab UT and Prof. Peter Paul Verbeek, distinguished professor of Philosophy of Technology and co-director of the DesignLab of the University of Twente.

In cooperation with the Campus Art Advisory Committee (CAAC)

Monday 25 November, 12.30-14.00 hours. 

DesignLab UT